13 - Septimus and the Tree

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The paramedic wrapped a blanket around my arms and I pulled it close around me, loving its warmth. Spencer walked over to me, running a hand through his hair. He sat down next to me and I took half of the blanket I was wearing and wrapped it around Spencer so we could share.

He kissed me on the forehead and smiled at me. "Thanks."

I snuggled in closer to him, glad for more warmth in this cold fall weather.

"What questions did they ask you?" I questioned him.

"Oh I'm guessing the same questions that they asked you. 'What's your name? Who did you come with? What did you see?' All of that."

"The police aren't going to find anything right? I mean the room was pitch black and no one could see a thing. The police questioned me so much when I told them that I was the first one to see the bloody hand on the door. I over heard them saying that there were no finger prints because it was a glove print and the school has no cameras in this part."

"I honestly don't know Etta. They don't really have any clues as to who would do it. Maybe they will never find who did it..."

Spencer muttered something under his breath that I couldn't catch. I was thinking about asking him but I just dismissed it as something not important.

"So do you want to get out of here?" Spencer spoke up. "They said that whoever was questioned could leave as soon as they were done. Thankfully we were one of the first ones."

I nodded and hopped off of the back of the ambulance. "I just want to get out of these clothes and dry off."

My dress was clinging to my body and so was my cape. My shoes were flooded and my hair was soaked and sticking to the sides of my face. I looked over at Spencer and I laughed at his costume.

His fur suit was matted down from the rain and his wolf mask was dripping in his hands. His hair was sticking up in random places from when he ran his hand through his hair. When I laughed he looked over at me curiously.

"What are you laughing at?" He said with raised eyebrows.

"No offense...but you look and smell like a wet dog."

Spencer laughed with me and he grabbed my hand and started to lead me to his car.

"Well come on wet riding hood, we have to go home."


Spencer dropped me off at my house to get a change of clothes and tell my mother that I was ok. She had to work the night shift at the hospital so she sent me over to the Clark's household to spend the night so I didn't have to be alone. But before she sent me over I saw her slip a condom into my purse and she told me to be extra careful tonight. She even winked at me and I blushed the whole walk over to the house next door.

Spencer and I haven't done anything despite the many times that we've been alone but it's embarrassing to think that my mom would actually think I would do that with Spencer when we've only known each other for about 3 months.

So once again Spencer and I were alone in his house about to watch another movie (like always) until his parents or someone got home.

"Hey Spencer...where is your family?"

Spencer walked over to me with a bag of chips in his hands and plopped down next to me on the couch.

"I'm not sure actually. My brothers are off doing their own thing and my parents went out of town. So we're alone for the whole night unless one of my brothers decide to show up. Maybe we can have the horror movie marathon you wanted so badly."

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