1 - Home Sweet Home

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Song is home by Michael Buble.

Enjoy :)


I jerked awake from my sleep as the car stopped suddenly. I rubbed my sleep filled eyes and tried opening the car door but it was locked.

"Can you please unlock the door mother?"

The car door unlocked with a faint click and I opened the door. I grabbed my bright green sandals that were lying right next to me, and I stepped out on the ground after 5 hours? 7 hours? I didn't know. It certainly felt like forever.

The freshly cut grass tickled my bare feet as I took my first step on my new front lawn. A breeze blew by messing up my already messy hair as I stretched my arms upwards and leaned back a bit, cracking my aching back. I groaned. Never again am I sitting for that long.

What made it even worse was my ADHD. I couldn't concentrate on anything and bounced in my seat until my mother scolded me. I tried to suppress my boredom by reading this old book my mother gave me called "Wuthering Heights." I gave up on the first page. Old English writing confused me and also the words swarmed on the page and the letters mixed up because of my dyslexia. I once thought I was a demi-god and was going to go to Camp Half-Blood for my 12th birthday because of my ADHD and dyslexia. But nope. No monsters attacked and no satyr's came to take me. But what disappointed me more was not getting my Hogwarts letter on my 11th birthday. All I got was a sweater and $10. (Courtesy of my mother.)

I admit, I am a nerd. Despite my non-reading abilities I still read. I took forever, but I still managed to read a whole book in about a week. I could've finished it in about a day or two, but nope. I had to be cursed with this impaired ability to understand written language. "Dyslexia - a learning disorder marked by a severe difficulty in recognizing and understanding written language, leading to spelling and writing problems. It is not caused by low intelligence or brain damage." Yes, I did know the exact definition of it. I also spent hours every day reading the dictionary. Sue me.

Not only was I a nerd. I was a very stereotypical nerd. I watched Star Trek and Star Wars about 100 times. I could also quote it. I as well had thick-rimmed black glasses that I didn't even need. I just thought they looked cool. And to confirm my nerdiness I was wearing a blue T-shirt that said, "Think outside the quadrilateral parallelogram." In my suitcase there was one that said, "I put the stud in study." My brother got me that one before he went off to college half way across the world to become an English teacher in Germany. I mean why would he--

"Etta!" My mother called from the other side of the car bringing me out of my day dream.

"Yes mother?" I said in a bored tone.

"Come here and help me with your stupid luggage."

I walked over to the trunk of the black car, with very black tinted windows and walked as my mother pulled out my Lego suitcase.

My mother and I were barely anything alike. She was short and a little but chubby, while I was a full 5 inches taller than her and pretty skinny. The only thing we had in common was our eyes. A light sky blue. It was like our eyes were reflecting off of the sky on a clear summer's day. I always got compliments on my eyes...and only my eyes.

My mother also wasn't the brightest color in the crayon box...but she was still my favorite color. When my father abandoned us and my mother was left alone with 2 children, she still managed to take care of us. She was sweet but defiantly knew how to yell. I was surprised that a voice like that came out of her mouth.

"Etta..." My mother's voice warned while she dragged another suitcase out of the trunk.

"Sorry," I muttered. "My mind decided to take another walk to lala land and when it was returning it decided to take a detour and get Dairy Queen with Lance Armstrong." She rolled her eyes and I smiled widely at her. She loved it when I came up with weird stories to where my mind has wandered off.

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