9 - My New Best Friend

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heh...this might have took a while


I sighed and rested my head back on the pillow as the ending credits to the movie came on. Spencer yawned and stretched his arms from around my shoulder, placing them in his lap. I guess we were kind of a thing now. Not necessarily a couple yet but definitely not just friends.  He glanced over at me smiling through the darkness of his room. Although it was dark and I could barely see his face I could make out the little spot of drool on his lip and his droopy eyelids.

"You fell asleep didn't you?"

He laughed sheepishly. "I don't know what you're talking about Etta. I really enjoyed that movie. You know...all the action. Pow pow!" Spencer pretended to shoot me with an invisible gun.

"You enjoyed it through the skin of your eyelids. And it was a horror movie smart one. No guns or action...just things popping out and scaring me to death while you were sleeping and not there to comfort me." I pouted my lip and his brown eyes got big.

"Oh don't be like that. You could have smacked me. I would've been up then."

I smacked his arm lightly. "Happy?" I grinned at him as he got up to move away.

"You're abusive. Smacking me? Goodness Etta, what am I going to do with you?"

"You can stay away from me so I don't have to hit you. That's always an idea." I stood up and winked at him, stretching my back in the process.

"But you can't stay away from me. I have to show you around school which by the way is tomorrow."

I collapse back on his bed. "Oh don't remind me. You guys are the only friends I have in this town. And half of you don't even go to the high school. Actually...Sam hates me, Seth is like my brother, Sean flirts with me waaay too much, the twins...don't get me started with them, and Septimus never talks to me. So pretty much only you and Seth are my friends and I've been here for over a month. That is just sad. I'm terrible at making friends." I stood up again and started to walk towards his door.

Spencer walked over to me and hugged me from behind. "Aww no. You'll definitely make new friends in your grade. I'm sure of it." He started drawing circles on my stomach and he rested his head on mine. "You never know...maybe Sep will be in your classes with you. Then he has to talk to you."

I rolled my eyes. "I highly doubt it Spence...but whatever." I turned my head to look at the clock. It read 6 P.M. "I should probably get back home too...mom will be wondering where I am."

"She probably thinks I kidnapped you."

I smirked. "Or she might be thinking that we're doing doing something else. You never know what goes on in my mothers head."

Spencer chuckled and hugged me closer. "You're right. Your mother is quite interesting. I don't even wanna think about that one time..."

I cringed. "Yeah definitely."

"I'll see you tomorrow morning OK? I'm driving you tomorrow."

I gave Spencer one last hug and showed myself out of his house totally not looking forward to tomorrow.


 "Etta Collins you get your lazy butt out of bed now!"

I groaned and turned over on my other side while pulling up the covers and squishing my fluffy pillow over my head. Suddenly the warmth disappeared and was replaced by an angry looking mother.

"You better get up right now. You've already slept in for 10 minutes and you're going to be late. Isn't that nice boy from next door giving you a ride? You don't want to keep him waiting now do you?"

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