4 - Town of Secrets

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Song is Secrets by One republic...but im too lazy to put it on right now...so i'll do it later.

Enjoy ? :)


The Town of Secrets

Wait, whoa curse!? What curse?

"Sep, you can talk?" Sabian looked dumbfounded.

"Duh" Septimus answered.

"I haven't heard him speak since-" Sebastian started but Sabian elbowed him once again in his ribcage.

"Would you shut up Seb?!?" He said through clenched teeth.

Sebastian glared at his twin and rubbed the spot where Sabian hit him. "I think you might have broken a rib."

"Oh don't be a baby."

"Stop getting off topic!" I narrowed my eyes at each family member. "Did I have anything to do with the flowers blooming and the clock ringing? Didn't that already happen before I came here? I am soo confused."

Their mom spoke up first. "Well, uhh, yes? I know you're confused sweetie but we just can't - I mean - Well...never mind..."

My frustration grew and my hands clenched into fists. Why won't they tell me anything? It's not like one of them committed a mass murder and a witch put a curse on one of them for killing so many innocent lives or something. OK now I'm letting my imagination wander a little bit too far. None of these family members looked capable of murder.

I took a deep breath and let my fingers relax. I tried to keep my voice cool and collected so I wouldn't yell at them. "So what's this about a curse?"

All of them froze at once except Septimus. He just kept staring at me with a curious expression on his face and his head slightly tilted to the side.

"He didn't say anything about a curse." Sebastian replied nonchalantly.

"You might want to get your hearing checked." Sabian agreed.

My hearing is perfectly fine thank you very much. I knew he said something about a curse and they were hiding something from me. There was no doubt about that. They all suddenly got shady and mysterious when Septimus mentioned something about that curse.

Septimus hesitantly raised his hand as if asking permission to speak. "But what if she-" he was interrupted by Sam covering his mouth with his hand.

"He's not right in the head this one. Sorry about him." Then he started dragging Sep to the door with his hand still over his mouth and Sean went to help him.

"I think he has lost his mind. He is always saying strange things nowadays." Sean said while grabbing Septimus around the waist.

Septimus gave them a look as if saying "what kind of drugs are you two on?" I would've laughed if I wasn't so confused.

They both managed to drag him inside because Sep didn't really put up much of a struggle; he just kind of let them drag him inside. When they got in they slammed the door behind them. All the once the rest of the family started to make up excuses about how Septimus had lost his marbles.

"Seth dropped him when he was a baby." Spencer confessed.

"I did not! He would always babble things when he was a baby. He's always been like this." Seth quickly announced.

"Yeah he has always been this way. He was born that way. Yeah..."

Their mother cut in next but then she was cut off by a car driving into the drive way. It was a deep cherry red color. It was a nice car. That is all I can say about it because I have no idea how to tell cars apart. They're usually just big and small cars to me, or nice and crappy ones.

"Oh hey. Dad's home."

A man with chestnut color hair stepped out of the vehicle and immediately shaded his eyes. He was really tall and kind of buff. Maybe muscles ran in the family.

"Sarah, what the devil is going on here? And why is it so sun - oh hello who are you?"

"I'm Etta. Your new neighbor. The house over there?" I pointed over to the direction of the house I was living in.

"Oh I see. Did you do this?"

Here we are again blaming me for this. "What exactly is this?" I gestured to everything around me. "Did I make the sun come out? Did the grass suddenly get green and the flowers bloom just because I'm here?!? What's going on?"

Their dad put his hands out defensively as if I, a hundred and ten pound girl, was going to pounce on him any second. "Etta, you should chill out here. We didn't say anything about you doing all of this. You're just confused. Did you have a long ride here? Maybe you just need some sleep."

"Yeah maybe I do. But I certainly heard Septimus say something about a curse."

Just then realization dawned on his face and I could just imagine a light bulb appearing over his head with a little 'ding.' He swiftly brushed passed me muttering something strange. The only parts I caught were, "Can break curse? The book attic. Legend of Hollow."

He opened the door still mumbling to himself and he disappeared through the threshold. Sebastian and Sabian looked at each other and walked to the door following their father without saying another word to me. Spencer and their mother went in then and it was only Seth left outside. He gave me a sympathetic look with a little smile and strolled passed me to the door also.

I turned around to face him as he walked through the door and closed it shut. I stood there for about another 2 minutes waiting for Seth to come out of the house and explain everything. When he never showed I sighed and began walking the other way to my house when I heard the door open again. Seth's head was poking out and he looked a little worried but then relieved when he saw me still standing there.

"You're probably really confused and I'm sorry about that. I can't do anything now but I'll explain later, I promise. This town has a lot of secrets. Sorry" then he shuts the door.

I silently curse under my breath and continue walking to my new house. Mother was probably wondering where I was. She would probably start lecturing me about staying over at stranger's houses for too long. Wouldn't even surprise me if she called the police and report a kidnapping.

But I didn't want to go back home. I wanted to walk into town and find out what exactly is going on around here. Maybe the library would have something about this family and this town.

Something really fishy was going on and that was pretty obvious and I wanted to get to the bottom of it.

I arrived home and my mom was waiting on one of the couches in the family room.

"Hi sweetie! I see the neighbors must be nice since you spent a bit of time with them." She patted the seat next to her and I plopped down on the couch cushion.

"They have seven sons..."

"Ooh are they cute?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

I smacked her arm lightly and turned my face away blushing. "Mom!"

"I can just tell by the look on your face that they are definitely good looking. Have you got your mind on one...or two?"

"Moooommmm." I blushed even more when I thought about Spencer and his adorable shyness. I shook my head. Wait. I shouldn't be falling for any of them. I need to find out what their secret was.

"That's a yes." My mother said teasingly.

"Can we move back to the middle of nowhere. I miss Claire." I answered back while crossing my arms and trying to control the blushing.

"No. You'll be fine without Claire. I got an excellent job here, a nice house and cute neighbors. We're staying."

I grumbled back a response. If I was going to be here a while...should I spend it searching for clues about the town that has a lot of secrets? Or spend it trying to impress and spend time with a guy that I might actually like.

Oh what am I going to do?

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