2 - Seven Brothers For One Girl

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Song is Taking Chances from glee.

enjoy? :)


Seven Brothers For One Girl

All 7 of the boys silently gawked at me while I stared right back. 6 of them had brown hair like their mothers and one had dirty blonde hair. The one with blonde hair had the same soft, gentle blue eyes as the woman standing right next to me, while the rest of them had either dark blue or brown eyes.

I smiled at the different one. It was like he didn't really belong in the sea of other boys.

He hesitantly smiled back, but then quickly turned his head away to watch the T.V. again while the other brothers continued to stare.

Why were they staring at me? Did I have something on my face? Was my outfit too strange? I didn't think it was. I was just wearing jean shorts and my parallelogram shirt, so I don't think that was it. Was there something in my hair?

I quickly ran a hand through my hair and came up empty.

Their mother seemed to notice and she sent me a small smile. "Boys. Stop that. You're scaring the poor girl. Now introduce yourselves. You too sweetie.”

“Uhh…I’m Etta.”

All the boys continued to stare. Usually I wouldn't be so self conscious but...seven incredibly cute boys gawking at you was kind of intimidating.

Their mother sighed. "Sam, Seth, Sean, Sebastian, Sabian, Spencer, and Septimus." She pointed to all of them as she said their names.

I glanced at her and then at the brothers, my head spinning. "Too many S's." was all I managed.

The mother chuckled. "It's kind of a tradition. I'm Sarah and my husband is Silas. All of his brother's names started with S."

"Oh that's cool. I only know one S...and that was my cat Stormy."

"Well now you know 9 of them. And guys come and say hi." She glared at all them and pursed her lips in a very motherly way, as if saying 'you-better-get-up-or-else."

All of them stood up at once and ran over to where I was...well almost all of them. The different brother was still locked on the television. I guess Harry Potter was more interesting than I was. Well actually, everything is more interesting than I am.

They were all in a line, waiting to introduce themselves to the new neighbor girl.

The first one had royal blue eyes and his hazelnut hair messed up and hung low in his eyes. He was pretty cute, but I could tell that he was definitely too old for me. He just nodded his head and spoke. "I'm Sam, 25, the oldest. And that's all you need to know."

He turned around and moved past his siblings to sit next to the one that was already on the floor. So much for being excited to meet me.

The next two were twins. They were exactly identical and I would without a doubt get them confused. They both had bright toothy smiles and the same eyes and hair as Sam. They looked really well built because you could absolutely see their muscles through their matching shirts.

"I'm Sebastian." The one on the right said.

"No I am." The other one spoke up.

"Hmm...Maybe you are."

"Boys..." Their mother warned."Don't do this now."

The one on the left chuckled and held out his hand and I shook it hoping that my hand wasn't as sweaty as it felt. "I'm Sebastian. This is Sabian. We're 19 and think you're hot." He winked as his mother slapped him upside the head. "Ow...Sorry." He said as he rubbed the back of his head.

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