3 - Did I Do This?

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Song is Pretending from glee also. I just love Glee :D

Enjoy? :)



Did I Do This?

"That sounded like my mom."

“What do you think she wants?”

He just shrugged his shoulders. “Beats me. It might be dinner time, but dad is not even home yet and she said that we should look at something…” He trailed off as he looked out one of the windows in the room.

The setting sun was shining brightly through the window because this room, and whoever he shared it with, was facing west.

His eyes widened and slowly he looked back to me.

Seth looked at me and then to the door as if having a silent argument in his head whether he should go or not.

"Go ahead. It sounded pretty important."

He nodded once and sprang off the bed, flung the door open and flew down the stairs. I wonder what got him all worked up.

I sat on his bed for a couple more seconds and took deep breaths. The past couple of days were pretty hectic. My mom got a call from a job she applied at and they said she got the job and to come over as soon as possible. The company said that they already had a house paid for that was fully furnished. She gladly accepted and told me to pack everything that was essential and she would have one of her relatives ship the rest of the stuff later.

So I packed most of my clothes, my toiletries, and a couple of stuffed animals and we took the long road trip here. I didn't even get to say goodbye to my friend. That's right, friend. As in singular. Her name was Claire and she was very popular and beautiful. Her natural auburn hair complemented her big brown innocent eyes and perfect body.

We have been friends ever since I can remember and we've been inseparable since. She tried to introduce me to her friends but they didn't like the geeky girl who no one talked to. People stayed away from me. I was kind of invisible. But that was how I like it. That's the way my whole life has been. Just me and Claire.

A couple of years ago she did set me up with a guy named Adam. He was pretty cute and we ended up dating for a year. He said he loved me on our one year anniversary and I kind of threw a glass of soda on him because I got a bit frightened. I was certainly not in love with him and I told him that. So he called me, and I quote, "a ditsy blond whore who is not capable of love and has a heart that is a black abyss that eats people’s souls." I haven't talked to him since and Claire has not set me up with another guy.

I guess I just wasn't that emotional and I didn't wear my heart on my sleeve. I haven't cried since I was a baby and I barely smiled. Maybe my heart was a black abyss.

OK never mind. That's all a lie. I cry, a lot. I know I sound like every other teenager here but no one gets me. Cliché much? Maybe. But it's true. I doubt that no one could love me for who I was and I was always afraid of getting my heart broken again. That was why I always pretended to be heartless and have no emotions. The best way not to get your heart broken is to pretend you don't have one…right?

The biggest reason that I agreed to move here was that I could start fresh. I could meet new people and they would think that I was such a freak. I already met 7 new people who seemed really nice...and one of them I might like. Spencer was my type and not so different from me. He seemed nice and friendly. I should talk to him when I see him again.

I sort of gave up on love after Adam. I shut myself off from the world and built my wall of trust even higher than before. Adam didn't really knock it down. The walls were up every single moment of our relationship. I never told him anything too personal, and if they were personal I lied about it. I stopped trusting people after he said those things to me. The words he said hurt pretty bad. I wasn't ditsy or a whore, I was certainly blond though. A smart blond you say? Yes it's actually true!

I stared at the door for another minute and decided that Seth was not coming back any time soon. So I stood up and walked out of the already open door and walked down the steps slowly, taking my precious time.

When I reached the living room there was no one in there. I heard voices coming from out front, so I retraced my steps and strolled over to the front door. It was already wide open, letting the humid summer air take over the cool air conditioned house air.

All 7 seven brothers and their mother were standing out on the front lawn staring open mouthed at the sky, and the trees, and everything. It was like they never saw a sunny day before.

I walked outside and closed the door behind me but it ended up slamming and all 8 heads turned to me. Their gazes pierced mine and they just kept staring at me like I had 3 eyeballs or something. I started to squirm uncomfortably at their harsh gaze.

Just then there was a ringing in the distance and the whole family's eyes widened a considerably large amount. It was probably a clock signaling the time. One, two, three...seven rings. Hm it was 7 o'clock. Mom probably wanted me home for dinner.

"Hey, um, I should probably go home. My mom wants me home for dinner now. So..."

They just stood and stared. What the heck is wrong with these people?

"Do you think she caused this mother?" Sam said suddenly.

"I don't know," she responded. "There's no other explanation."

Sebastian leaned down a plucked a piece of grass. "I haven't seen grass this green in over a- oof!" Sabian elbowed him hard in the ribs and his twin looked confused for a second until Sabian nodded his head towards me and he muttered a small "oh!"

"But what's so special about her?" Sam questioned while looking me over, going from my toes to my head and back to my feet.

"What's going on here? What exactly did I do?" I asked hesitantly. This family was getting weirder and weirder.

"The trees are so full of life. And the flowers! So beautiful!" Seth ran over and picked a rose out of the ground, ignoring the thorns and all, and he smelled it. "Heavenly. And Etta if you did this...thank you!"

"What did I do?!" I cried. I was now getting frustrated. What aren't they telling me?

"The sun hurts my eyes." Sean said dazed.

The sun actually wasn't that bright. You would have had to be living under a rock to think the sun was too bright and hurt. Unless you were directly staring at it. then it would hurt.

Spencer threw his hands up to the sky. "The clock actually rung. I'm not imagining that right? You guys heard that too?"

There was a chorus of "yes's" and nodding of heads.

“What’s wrong with the clock ringing? Don’t all clocks do that?”

Sean looked at me as if I was crazy. “Duh all clocks do that. It’s just…” he trailed off when he noticed his mother glaring holes at the side of his head.

“It’s just what?!?” I yelled.

“Nothing.” 7 of them said in unison.

Then something happened that I never thought would. Septimus spoke for the first time today. His voice sounded troubled, relieved, and hopeful all at the same time. But it also sounded sweet and pure and smooth like he convince anyone to do anything with just one word.

"Do you think she can break the curse?"


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