Chapter 3: We meet again

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  The exams were easy. The easiest test I've ever heard of. Today we were going to get teams. They better not put me on Sasuke's team. Difficult team work right there. Naruto walked in. So he found a way to pass.
Cotton candy and Blondie cam running through the door. I guess they were racing.
"I got here first." "No I got here first by a fraction of a second." They were arguing about who would sit between me and Sasuke. Too bad I was moving from my chair to beside the Hyuga girl.
"Hello Hinata, my name's Mikatsuki Uchiha but you can call me Mika." I said as she looked at me.
"H- hello Mika." She stuttered a bit. Whatever.
"I hope you don't mind me sitting here." I said in a soft voice. Should looked fragile and I wouldn't want to break her.
"No, I don't mind." She said a little more confident. That is when Naruto jumped up on Sasuke's desk and crouched in front of him.
"I don't see what's so special about you." Naruto said and then as if in slow motion the kid behind him bumped into him and sent him and Sasuke into a lip lock.
"Oh sorry, did I bump into you?" the guy said as he turned. Sasuke and Naruto jumped apart gagging.
"Sasuke's first kiss was supposed to be mine." cotton candy yelled at Naruto. I stood up and between the girls and Naruto.
"Calm down, just so you know, that wasn't Sasuke's first kiss. It was an accident." I said as the girls eyes widened.
"Have you had your first kiss?" cotton candy asked as Sasuke smirked.
"come here, it's a secret." I said as she stepped forward.
"What?" she asked as I leaned forward, pulled my mask down way too fast for her to see, and pecked her lips really quickly. Then I pulled my mask back up.
"Now you have had one of the Uchiha's kiss you." I whispered in her ear. My hair had blocked anyone from seeing besides Sasuke who had the perfect angle. Cotton candy blushed.
I took pity on her. She had been chasing my brother for so long it seems that she never had been kissed. Well there. Now she has. I guess I could use a play thing. Or maybe I could just give her some satisfaction in life. Who knows. I sat back down and Iruka walked in.
"You are all here because you passed, so congratulations. Now we have an uneven number so we are putting you in groups of three and one group of four." and then Iruka started to call out the names of the groups. When he got to the number seven his eyes flicked to Naruto.
"Naruto Uzumaki. Sakura Haruno." Naruto cheered as Sakura whined. "Sasuke Uchiha." Sakura cheered and Naruto whined. "and Mikatsuki Uchiha." me and Sasuke's eyes widened as Sakura and Naruto cheered. I guess I jinxed it when I was thinking about difficult team work. I can deal with Naruto. I can deal with Sakura aka Cotton Candy. But I cannot deal with Naruto, Cotton candy, and Sasuke all at the same time. I am going to snap.
"Your Jounin are going to come after you eat lunch and come back." Iruka said as we all got up.
"Well, see ya Hinata." I said as she waved. Then I walked out of the class room to eat my wonderful lunch. At home were no one would dare follow me. I need some alone time or I will explode. With my team I am hoping I don't get a terrible jounin.

*Meanwhile in Hokage office*
"Did he just kiss's Sakura Haruno?" Kakashi asked as hokage nodded with a smile.
"She asked if he had his first kiss and he just did." Hokage said as Kakashi chuckled.
"He stole my mask thing." Kakashi stated as hokage chuckled.
"Well, at least you know he remembers you." Hokage said as Kakashi nodded.
"I must be going, if I don't, I'll be even later." Kakashi said and he left. He was utterly surprised that Mikatsuki Uchiha would wear a mask. Had he no idea how curious people get when he had it on? Then again he does the same thing. Maybe he got a nasty scar. Or maybe it was to keep grasp of a memory of the leaf village. Who knows.

*Back to Mikatsuki*
I ate a filling lunch. It filled me up. I knew I was late getting back to the class but I had a gut feeling that the jounin was going to be late too. I jumped through the window of the class as their heads turned to me.
"I had a feeling our Jounin was going to be late. I had a huge lunch." I said as Cotton candy nodded. Naruto did too and Sasuke shrugged. I eventually just decided to nap because the person still wasn't here.
I was enjoying my peaceful sleep. That is until Cotton candy shook me awake. Against Sasuke's order. Because I was absolutely not to be woken up. I grabbed her wrist.
"Never ever do that again. Okay Sakura?" I asked as she nodded. She knew I was serious because I called her Sakura and not cotton candy. I looked and saw Kakashi covered in chalk dust. I looked at Naruto. Then I looked at the eraser that was on the floor.
"This is our sensei." Sasuke said as I stood up.
"Hey Kakashi." I said as he smirked.
"Hey Mikatsuki." Kakashi said and then we all traveled to the roof. I wonder how I didn't know Kakashi was our Jounin. You'd think I would be told this information or just know it but nope. Nobody ever bothers telling me anything.
"Okay, why don't we introduce ourselves." Kakashi said as I sighed. I already introduced myself two days ago and now I have to do it again. I distanced myself from my team so I wouldn't get annoyed really quickly.  

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