Chapter 5: Pranks and the Drunk

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Naruto Uzumaki POV

"Naruto, I dislike you very much but I don't want you dead. He is going to kill you." 

I was putting Mikatsuki's hair in pig tails as Sakura slowly put eyeliner on him. He must have been really tired because we were about to walk into the Hokages office when the lady who tried to squish her cat dragged him out of her house. He was so tired he just walked in to use the bathroom and fell asleep on her couch.

"I can't believe he hasn't woken up." Kakashi sensei looked up from his book. Surprisingly he was okay with this. 

Everything was going great until Sakura started to tug down his mask... She was good for planning the prank but I guess the execution was a bit harder for her. He shot up and grabbed her wrist with a Glare. 

I really hope he doesn't notice the- 

I watched as he looked around him with a glare... He knew.

"You all have two seconds before I murder you. Use them wisely." He said emotionlessly. He had a closed eye smile. 

We all did the only reasonable thing we could possibly do in this scenario... We ran... We ran really really fast. We knew the faster we got to the Hokage the faster we would be safe from painful, horrifying deaths at the hands Mikatsuki Uchiha. Now I see why Sasuke had warned us. His brother was scary.

Mikatsuki Uchiha's POV

I was going to obliterate them... I was already mistaken for a girl an ungodly amount of times and yet they just had to go and make my life even more complicated.

I picked up the eyeliner, reading the container... This, of course, only infuriated me more. It was 24 hour, waterproof eyeliner.

I hoped they had their wills in order, because they would never see daylight ever again if I had anything to say about it.

Running as fast as I could, I made my way to the only place they knew I would not be able to harm them... The Hokage tower.

"Sakura, I'm assuming that this is your eyeline?" I stated calmly as her eyes widened.

"Y-yeah... Yeah it's mine..." She looked even more nervous as I tried to take deep breaths and count to ten... 

"I see... Did you know that this specific eyeliner is waterproof?" She paled drastically as I took a quick step towards her. 

"You can kill us later, We're getting a C-Rank mission!" Naruto sounded like he had won the lottery... clearly he didn't realize that we would be doing this mission together... where I would have easy access of his person... Oh the bodily harm I cou-

"You think I could be protected by these puny brats? What's with the short funny looking one?" The guy asked as we all looked at Naruto who looked around until he realized he was the one being talked about.

"Why you..." I held him back from attacking... maybe I wouldn't need to do anything to him... I could sit back and watch him get killed from that hot head of his.

"See, a girl can hold him back. She probably can't even climb a tree but she can hold back the twerp." The man said as everyone sweat dropped.

"Are you talking about me?" I asked calmly as Naruto and Sasuke stood on either side of me. They both made it look as if they were side hugging me. The man nodded.

"You better run." Sasuke's face had shifted only slightly from the one he was making before, but as a fellow Uchiha I could see the frustration on his brow.

"Great, now he's mad again." Naruto had no problem displaying his annoyance whatsoever.

"I am not a girl. Naruto, Sasuke, let me go, I'm going to kill him." I yelled as I did break free but Kakashi hit me over the head. It hurt. He hit really hard and I wasn't prepared. Stupid drunk man.

"That's a boy?" He asked as I rubbed my head.

"Yes... This is a boy." Kakashi said as the man's eyes widened.

"But he's wearing eyeliner." The man said as I turned to my team mates.

"Sakura darling... you're going to really regret this little joke." I'm sure my smile really helped her realize the gravity of the situation.

"I'm sorry Mikatsuki." She said as she rubbed the back of her neck. I sighed.

"It's fine... But if you ever even think about doing this every again I'll catch you on fire... and for every person who mistakes me for a girl, I will get revenge... not murder... but I will make you pay." I said as Sasuke groaned.

"Meet by the gates in an hour." Kakashi said as we nodded and we all left the drunk in his shock. 

I packed all the necessities. 5 masks, five pairs of pants, 5 shirts, 5 underwear, and then loads of weapons. My shuriken were sharper than razor blades... I packed lots of  Apples too.

 I went to the gate of the village and ate an Apple. When they finally all got to the gate Naruto was super happy. He had apparently never been out of the village. He's a strange one.

"Oi, let's go. I rather not spend this much time just standing and staring out." I said as I walked through.

"Mikatsuki, are you alright, you seem almost... excited." Sasuke said as I grabbed his arm and twirled him around.

"Don't worry about me baby brother. I've been out in this big, bad, very cruel world before, I used to live out here, you on the other hand should worry about yourself, I'll worry for Cotton candy." I said as he groaned and Sakura blushed. The drunk, of course, looked confused.

"Who is Cotton Candy?" He asked as Cotton candy blushed even more.

"Wouldn't you like to know... Don't speak to me, I really don't like you." I pointedly turned away from the man so I wouldn't have to look at him.

"You are a strange one." He said as Sasuke glared at a tree.

"Nobody sees through your act." Sasuke muttered as I looked at him. I grabbed his arm before the others noticed. I linked our arms and held him very close. 

"Sasuke, dear brother, I have no idea what this so called act is." I whispered sickly sweet with a huge smile on my face.

"You aren't fooling me Mikatsuki. You're my twin brother, I know what a monster you are." He said as I held back a growl.

"I've been gone for a long time Sasuke, you don't know me. You never will." I said calmly.

 We passed a puddle. Great. A fake puddle. I jumped into the puddle and heard a wince. Kakashi looked at me as I had a closed eye smile.

"Mikatsuki!" Sasuke said agitated.

 "Gah, annoying brat." That drunk was about to get my foot shoved straight up his ass. 

"Didn't I tell you not to talk to me? Old, drunk, and Deaf?"

"At least I don't jump in puddles like a toddler!" The drunk was really trying to annoy him wasn't he? 

"I'll have you know that-"

"Mikatsuki, now you're just being immature." Kakashi said as my glare went to him.

"Sakura, everybody's being mean to me." I grabbed her arm and hugged it to my chest, making her flush a deep red.

"Mikatsuki, you aren't immature." She said as I rested my head on her shoulder.

"At least I know someone cares." Before any of the others could give a smart retort The Puddle Ninja decided to attack us.

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