Time Skips and don't fucking touch him

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Alright, so we are time skipping. Itachi has already come through Konoha, and it is after Sasuke makes it to the hotel where Itachi puts him in the coma, hence why Mikatsuki is so angry.


There would always be a point when I would snap. I had learned that long ago. Be it pressure built upon pressure built upon fucking pressure, and then finally come in the presence of someone committing even the slightest of an indecorous thought against me. 

But this, this was a point that would bring me to snap, even when I was in the happiest of moods. 

Have you ever loved someone so much that you would murder someone in cold blood for them? That you would track down a psychopath and scream upon the highest of heavens and lowest of hells? Yelling about the vengeance you will achieve. Shrieking like a harpy, loud and deadly, at the very sight of this creature who had wronged you so?

This is the exact opposite. 

I do not love Sasuke. He is my younger brother, and yet, I feel only the slightest bit of anything towards him. However, it always seemed that my body never got this memo from my brain. Which could put me into quite the frustrating position. Such as the one I just so happened to find myself in currently. 

Because in my mind, I was shrieking for vengeance. In my heart I was screaming upon the highest heaven and the lowest hell... And my body, dear lord, my body was seeking out my psychotic older brother. But I did not actually feel confused by any of this. No, I did not, I felt only one thing. Deep, unadulterated hatred and anger. 

That is how I found myself launching my body towards the man who had murdered the family that I so very well hated. The purest of my feelings knowing no bounds, as I must have been one of the few to leave a mark on Itachi Uchiha in the most recent years. 

Itachi's walking fish stick had a somewhat shocked look as I found myself standing across from them. The anger rolling off of me as if it were heat and I was a fire produced from gasoline. 

"Who... Who the fuck is this?" Fish stick obviously was in the wrong place at the wrong time, as anyone with half a brain should have been able to figure out who I was. 

"Mikatsuki Uchiha." My name rolled off of his tongue in a manor that made me want to cut that same tongue out. 

"Call me what you always have, Ni-San." My eyes were narrowed, a snarl forcing it's way through my blank face. 

"I thought you killed all of the Uchihas, except for Sasuke, of course." Fish Stick was still so very confused, and having my name obviously only made it worse. 

"He wasn't an Uchiha at the  time. Hadn't been for at least a month." Itachi's eyes flicker back to me, "And only if you call me what you always have." And I would. I would call him what I always had. 

"Will one of you tell me what the fuck is going on before this Goddamn situation progresses?" Fish Stick was getting antsy as I turned my gaze to him. He was still processing all that was going on, "And why the hell did he call you Ni-San?" He wanted answers something awful, and yet he wouldn't shut up to let us respond.

"Mikatsuki is Sasuke's twin brother-"

"And I wasn't an Uchiha because I was told I would never be welcome back until out father was dead. I left, only to find out just a short while later that my older brother, who I always knew was fucked in the head, had murdered everyone except for Sasuke." I was perfectly capable of telling my life story thank you very much. 

"I'd have thought you would have learned not to be so disrespectful to your elders." Itachi growled loudly at me as my steely gaze rested on him. 

"What are you going to do? Hold me down and carve that into my flesh? A shame you've already used that card, huh." Now Fish Sticks eyes were focused on me, wide and curious. 

"You got what was coming to you, Monster." a sneer rose to my face after that one. I couldn't help it. The fact that he had the fucking audacity to say such a thing to me. After everything he had done. 

"Holding down a seven year old to carve the word monster into his skin. Making your favorite little brother watch a Genjutsu of you murdering his whole clan. Beating a small child, harming a small child, condemning your own younger brother to a life of pain and sorrow all because he looked at his father a little funny," My eyes met his, "I think what you've done could be seen as more worthy of the title monster than what I've done." Fish Stick was looking pretty invested in our lives at this point. 

"And what did you do to help Sasuke? You left him with us. You didn't even come back when you knew he was all alone. What gives you the right to come here and try to act like a mighty big brother when all you've done is let your little twin suffer?" Itachi's words struck a cord in me. I slowly revealed my scars and started to angrily pace back and forth. 

"What have I done to help Sasuke? WHAT HAVE I DONE TO HELP SASUKE? I shouldn't even have been the one that Sasuke should ever have to be dependent on. But I have helped him more than you have. Big deal, you didn't murder him. I ALMOST FUCKING DIED TO PROTECT HIM FROM THAT CREEPY SNAKE PEDOPHILE." I took deep breaths, "I value my life more than anyone else's, and yet, here I fucking am, facing my older brother who gave me fucking NIGHTMARES FROM WHAT HE TOOK PART IN WHEN IT CAME TO ME. Facing you because you hurt my fucking twin. 

"Itachi, I fucking hate you with my entire being. I would tear you to shreds if you didn't mean so much to Sasuke. Now, don't get me wrong. I don't love him. I don't think I'm even capable of loving anyone. No. I don't know why it happens. It's like an impulse to protect him surges through me and I can't fucking help it. 

"You have destroyed my life, and you've nearly destroyed his. I swear to anything remotely Godlike. I swear upon everything I hold even remotely dear to me. If you ever, and I mean ever, Fucking TOUCH HIM EVER AGAIN I WILL FUCKING BURN YOUR ENTIRE WORLD TO THE FUCKING GROUND. 

"Yeah, I'm a fucking monster. I'm Mikatsuki the mother fucking monster, and you know what? You made me into what I am and you're going to have to deal with the consequences. I will have no qualms about scouring the entirety of the world, burning everything in my way to the ground, if it means you hurt Sasuke. I already want to do it, but I will restrain myself for the sake of my brother." Itachi was glaring at me darkly as I smirked quite dangerously. 

"And I'll start with the ones who ordered you to kill the family, and I'll end with you, surrounded by slaughtered Akatsuki members and family members. I'll dig them up from their dammed graves and bury you in their rotting corpses. You fucking little weasel." 

I was out of the window within the next half of a second. I had made myself clear. It was not a threat, every single word was a promise. It was Itachi's turn now. His decision would decide the fate of many people, dead and alive. 

Fish Stick's (KISAME) POV

I had no idea what had happened. It was a whirl wind of surprises. First I find out that Sasuke isn't Itachi's only little brother. Then I find out about a bunch of physical and psychological abuse between the three siblings. 

Next thing I know, this Uchiha Brat is reminding Itachi that he is exactly what Itachi had made him, and that he would burn the entire fucking world down if Itachi even thought of laying a finger on Sasuke, and yet the insane Uchiha refused to admit that he cared for his twin. 

It was all very confusing.

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