Chapter 1: Through the gates we go

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  I was going to finally return the the leaf village. For multiple reasons. I got bored of just wandering around. I also wanted to see if it was true. If Itachi had killed everyone beside Sasuke and himself and technically me. I approached the gates and two guards jumped down in front of me.
"I need to speak to Hokage." I stated. Keep in mind I'm only 13 so it had to be a bit odd.
"Who are you?" one asked as I glared.
"I need to speak to hokage. I don't like repeating myself so you will take me to him at once." I growled as they glared right back.
"Okay, but it isn't to talk, it's to see what we should do with you. You could be a threat." the other guard said as I smirked.
"you're right. I could be a threat. You won't know until YOU TAKE ME TO THE DAMN HOKAGE!" I finished the sentence yelling at them. They just kept talking. Actions are worth thousands upon millions of words so why waste time and breath repeating what has been said or being obnoxious?
"Learn some respect." the guard growled as I raised an eyebrow. All's they could see were my eyes and hair.
"Earn respect from me. Prove you're worthy of my respect." I said as they grabbed me and dragged me into the gates. Finally. Through the gates we go. They drug me to Hokage. That's exactly what I wanted.
"Hokage, we have an intruder with a smart mouth demanding to see you." The guard said as i raised my eyebrow.
"Me? A smart mouth? Whatever do you mean?" I asked mockingly.
"He's but a boy, release him." He demanded as I gave a nod of my head.

"Hokage, you have earned my respect. Thank you for freeing me from those crazy people that grabbed me and drug me here." I said smirking widely.
"No problem. Now what's your name?" He asked as my smirk grew.
"I'm back. Hokage. My name is Mikatsuki Uchiha." I said as i I pulled my mask down so he could see my whole face. Only he could see it. He gasped.
"Everyone thought you were dead." He exclaimed as I i raised an eyebrow.
"Very few people would be able to kill me. I have no weakness. Not even my family. Hence why I surpassed Itachi for a while." I stated as he nodded.
"We have to put you in the academy for two days. Just so the other kids don't think it's unfair treatment. You start today." He said as i sighed.
"I suppose that's okay." I stated. By now I had pulled the mask back up.
"Take him to iruka, I'm sure Sasuke will be in great shock." He told one of the guards. The guard glared at me a bit but nodded.
"See you around, Hokage. Oh and I'd like to live in my old house, I couldn't picture me anywhere else." I said as his eyes widened but he nodded. I chuckled a bit. His reactions were funny.
"Come on." the guard growled lowly. He really didn't like me. That isn't my fault. Though I don't think he had a reason. I've been nothing but a nice boy. Well as nice as I can get any ways.
I stayed silent the whole way to the academy. I was going to see Sasuke. I wonder what his reaction will be. Me and him look very similar but I have a sharper jaw, colder eyes, longer hair; which doesn't look like a ducks ass, as for the rest, who knew if I was taller or not. We haven't seen each other in years. I wonder how he is going to feel about me being back in the leaf village. I was escorted to a class and the guard started to tell the sensei why I was here.
"Careful, she's quite the brat." the guard said and I could tell he told the sensei I was a girl.
"I. Am. Not. A. Girl." I growled lowly. The one thing I hated the most is being called a girl. Just because I have long hair does not mean I am a girl. My hair went down past my waist when it was down but I liked keeping it in a pony tail. The guard smirked.
"You look like one, you act like one, and you're as weak as one so I just assumed you were one." he said mockingly.
"You look like a donkey, you act like a Jack ass aka a donkey, and you smell similar to a donkey, so does that mean I can assume you're a donkey?" I asked coldly as he glared and left. Serves him right. I walked in the door and everyone was staring at me. I immediatly saw Sasuke. I winked at him and quickly activated and inactivated my sharingan. His eyes widened and he nearly fell from his chair.
"well class, we have a new student. Would you like to introduce yourself?" He asked me and according to Hokage his name was Iruka.
"Sure Iruka, I'll introduce myself. My names Mikatsuki Uchiha." I said as everyone's eyes widened. Iruka's had already been wide because I knew his name.
"So it is you." Sasuke said standing up. His eyes were narrowed at me as if I was not his own twin. How rude.
"How have you been Sasuke? I see it's true, That Itachi killed the others." I said with a small smile that he couldn't see through my mask.
"Who are you to Sasuke? Are you his betrothed? Who do you think you are just walking in swaying your hips hoping to get every guy in here." a pink haired girl said with venom in her voice. She was implying I was a girl.
"I don't swing that way for Sasuke, and are you implying that me and my twin brother are getting married? That's incest, and If you haven't noticed, I'm a guy. So stop referring to me as if I'm a girl." I stated as her eyes widened. She walked up to me and began pulling down my mask. I grabbed her wrist.
"I want to see if you're really a guy." she said as I smirked wickedly.
"okay, if you really want the proof cotton candy." I said and I began to pull my pants down. They were already off before anyone could stop me but Sasuke was quick to keep my boxers up.
"He's my twin brother, okay. Now Mikatsuki, put your pants back on." well what do you know, we are the same height. That's crazy. All the girls in the room were blushing besides a purple haired girl. She probably already likes somebody.

"Awe, you finally admit to having a twin, little brother." I said in a teasing manner. But he knew I didn't care about family. I pulled my pants back up.
"You're older by three minutes." he muttered as I smirked.
"Three minutes and 42.57 seconds, and being older never tasted so sweet. That's almost four minutes Sasuke. I like the number four." I said as he groaned.
"Sit down now!" Iruka said angrily as me and Sasuke went back to his seat. I sat beside him.  

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