Chapter 6: Meeting Zabuza (Kinda)

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   Let's just say that the battle with the puddle people didn't really become interesting. I knew we weren't in any real danger. Well, besides the fact that Naruto got poisoned. But that's his fault for freezing up.

I didn't really care. I just stood there. I wanted to see if they were after the old drunk man. I was secretly kind of hoping that they would go ahead and murder him... They didn't even try to attack me. I glared at them and they stayed away.

Sasuke had it handled. Sakura protected Tazuna as best as she could, sadly. Sasuke fought off the Ninja. I just stood there observing and Naruto got poisoned. Kakashi also came out of hiding. He was observing too.

"Good job Sasuke, Nice effort Sakura. Sorry Naruto, I didn't think you'd freeze up like that." Kakashi said and then he turned to me.

"Staring is rude Marshmallow." I said calmly.

"You understand team work. Why didn't you even bother?" As if he didn't know what I was doing... Or that most teams were only supposed to have 3 genin anyways.

"Heyyyyy... Not fair... I definitely did at least a little damage when I jumped on them." He didn't look even the slightest bit of amused at my response... what a stick in the mud.

"How did you know we were going to attack?" one asked as I looked at him.

"Are you stupid? Don't answer that, I already know you are. A puddle. A damn puddle. It hasn't rained in two weeks. Fucking idiots." I growled as they looked at me.

"Such an obscene girl." one said as I froze along with the others.

"You're in for it now." Naruto said as they looked at me curiously.

"Why does everyone think I'm a girl? Do I have to walk around naked? I am NOT a fucking GIRL!" I yelled as I punched them. I infused it with Chakra and the tree fell over. "You better hope we never cross paths ever again" I hissed as the other four people sweat dropped.

"I think they might forget ever crossing paths with us from that punch." Naruto muttered.

"They better not." I said crossly. Earlier I had been irritated but now I was in a bad mood. "Now let's go before I decide they haven't learned that I'm a fucking boy." I said and started walking away. I don't think I should kill people right after getting back to the village. It might put a damper on my impression. 

"He seems angry." Tazuna muttered as I continued to storm ahead.

"He's always angry about something. It's just his personality." Naruto said as I tried to ignore them.

"It's not his fault." Kakashi stated as I turned around.

"You're right. It isn't my fault. Everybody is always like 'look at that girl!' 'isn't that girl beautiful?' or 'I wish she'd go out with me' 'She looks like she'd be a good wife' and it sickens me. I'm not a girl. Why can't anybody see that. If I was a girl, my voice would be high pitched, I would look like a girl, and I wouldn't be able to walk around my house shirtless in case some one came looking for me." I growled. My rant had made Kakashi look at me in shock.

"Simple solution. Cut your hair." Sasuke said bluntly. I froze making them all almost run into me. I turned slowly back around.

"Don't even suggest that, Sasuke, or I won't hesitate to cause damage to your person." I growled as he rolled his eyes. How that much attitude could fit inside his body was beyond me.

"I thought you've said you don't have a weakness." Kakashi said as I slowly turned towards him.

"I don't. Touching my hair just gives me motivation to kill who ever did it." I said as we continued to walk. This was going to take forever. 

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