Chapter 8: His Claim

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Suddenly it hit me. I'd probably remember that anyways. I realized that I was subconsciously telling myself an old promise that I made. That I need to fulfill. I can once we get back. Right now I sense something in the air. A fight that had a bad outcome was brewing. Not necessarily Bad for us but bad.

"Zabuza isn't dead." I muttered as I smelled the air. They were talking about how they had nothing to worry and I noticed faults in the killing. Senbon Needles to the direct spot that doesn't make them fatal.

"Mikatsuki is correct." Kakashi said as I walked over to a window. Something was telling me that this was going to be interesting. Very interesting. They went into a whole conversation about how he isn't dead as i just stared off into space. I already knew how he wasn't.

"I'm going to train you." Kakashi claimed as i looked over at him.

"In what exactly, You can barely stand." I stated as he wobbled of his crutches i my direction.

"You'll just have to see." He said as he lead us from the house. I wonder what we were going to be doing. I was curious. He brought us to a group of trees.

"What are we doing?" Kakashi was asked.

"We are climbing trees." He stated as i looked at him. I wonder how we will be climbing trees. He can't exactly climb one normally right now. "With no hands." He finished as i grabbed an apple out of my back pack. I knew there was a catch.

"How are we supposed to do that?" Naruto asked as i just walked over to a tree and began walking up with chakra. I'm assuming this is what he meant. I walked up to the top and sat there eating my apple as nobody noticed i was gone. They just talked about Chakra control.

"Hey, Where is Mikatsuki?" Sakura asked as I stared down. I wonder when they'd notice.

"I'm up here. I've been up here for a while now." I said as i dropped my apple core on the ground. Then i started to walk down. This time i grabbed my bag before going back up. I had to have something to occupy my time.

"I figured you already mastered it considering you can use Sharingan." Kakashi said as i nodded. It would probably be bad if i didn't know Chakra control if i was using Sharingan.

"Yes, I'd probably be dead if i hadn't learned how to control it." I stated as I started walking back up. "I'll watch them, You and Sakura go do whatever." I stated as i sat on the top branch that could hold me. He nodded.

Soon i got stuck in my thoughts. Why did i have to remember everything? Why is it at night? I never will be able to get rid of this. It will never happen. Every time it's dark outside and i close my eyes I see it. Blood. Everywhere. Laughter. Haunting laughter. My own laughter. I was a maniac. I was a monster yet i comfortably wore the skin of a human.

What exactly was wrong with me. I cried so much over the years i was gone. I was seven years old and out by myself. Then again, it was better than my own home. Not to mention I found out that they all died besides Sasuke and Itachi because of Itachi. That was Painful. I knew i had told father that he was going to die one day but i didn't mean so close to the time i said it.

I sat there. Watching Naruto and Sasuke as they both tried to reach higher than the other. He had such high opinions of our parents. Of our family. I never want him to find out what my life was like before i left. If i was going to give him one thing, it would be the comfort that his family were good people. Even if it was a lie.

I hated them all. I could only not care about their well being. I wouldn't go against them though. I wouldn't kill them. even if I wanted to, I wouldn't be able to. I wasn't like Itachi. They were always hyper aware of me. By the time I tried to kill one, I would be surrounded.

I was more like the one person that they expected to kill everyone. They wouldn't even think twice about killing me if I tried to harm anyone. To get out of the compound, that was one of the hardest things I had to do. They didn't like the rest of Konoha to see their mistake child. Their evil monstrous child.

Naruto and Sasuke were exhausted. I jumped out of the tree. It was about time we got back. We were out for quiet a bit.

"Let's go you two. It;s time for dinner." I said as we began walking back. They could barely do it so I picked them up and started to make my way to the house. When we got to the house i set them down.

"You didn't have to carry me." They said at the same time as i looked down at them.

"You wouldn't have kept up. You're both exhausted. So no I didn't have to but I wanted to get back and not have to wait for you two. I'd rather not have Kakashi at my throat." I said as i opened the door. They acted like i didn't have a reason for everything. I do, and this reason was simple. Even they should have been able to figure it out.

"Finally, we can eat." Sakura cheered as I sat down along with everyone else.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you guys. When we get back to Konoha I am going to have a very busy schedule. I've decided I am going to step up as the head of the Uchiha clan. I am the oldest Uchiha left that hasn't had a price on his head." I stated as Kakashi smirked. He grabbed something out of his bag and placed it on the table. It was a bounty. Specifically for my head. Then he pulled out his Bingo book and flipped to a page. Another bounty for my head. Not really as a criminal but mainly because I needed to be captured. Also because I lied, I was sorta a criminal but only a little. I couldn't just walk around the world. I may have killed people after me. So maybe their bodies were found.

"Oh really, No bounty for your head? You have been travelling around for six years. So of course someone is going to want you dead. I just wasn't expecting your description to be like this. 'Likes apples, that's a good way to lure him out. Wears a black mask from the nose down. If you find him asleep, be careful. Don't wake him up. He gets extremely grumpy and there is a chance he will slaughter you.' What exactly did you do while you were gone?" He asked as i rubbed the back of my neck.

"How about we ask what I didn't do. I didn't steal. There, simple. I cheated, I lied, I killed, I distracted, I gambled, but I never Stole." I stated as he choked on his tea.

"You killed people?!" He yelled as everyone stared in shock.

"Well, you see, funny story. Or stories. Let's see. There were those people who poisoned my apples, Those ones who woke me up, Those ones who called me a girl like twelve times, Those people who tried to kill me in my sleep, Those people who cut some of my hair which is why i have bangs. Lots of really great stories. Oh look at the time, I'm going to sleep. Great food. You should open a restaurant. Goodnight." I said as I quickly put my bowl in the sink, rinsed it out, and ran to where I would be sleeping. They were all still in shock.

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