Chapter 12: So he does have a heart!

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                            Mikatsuki Uchiha's POV

      Okay so I was getting a little weirded out. They are literally discussing me, right in front of me. Inoichi is telling Sarutobi that it is unclear whether I'll betray the village or not. He says that I'm unhealthily in love with my house and that attachment might need to be further examined because it just wasn't okay. 

     On the other hand, I apparently should go into the chunin exams so they can test my abilities. Considering literally only three people had seen me even somewhat try in a fight. Inoichi was saying that, while he did look through my personal memories, he couldn't quite measure my abilities. Mainly because it was through my point of view and my abilities were normal to me. 

      "You do know, I'm right here, right?" I asked as they looked at me. Ibiki was glaring at me with a burning hatred. Maybe I should tell him.

       "Be quiet you monster." He hissed. Yeah I should definitely tell him. Maybe. Or maybe I want him to suffer because he overreacted to what I said and cut my tongue in half while it was still in my mouth. I was a little pissed off about that. Not to mention he threatened to make me relive my most traumatizing moment and carve more words into my skin. Like hell I'd let that happen. If anyone is carving words into someone, it'll be me into whoever next calls me a monster. The word will be cruel. 

    "Look, I should have a say in what I do. Oh and By the way, I'm not in love with my house. I'm just emotionally attached to it because it never caused me any harm. Maybe I don't wanna be in the Chunin exams. Oh and by the way, my fingers, arm, and jaw are still very much not exactly how they are supposed to be. Don't get me started on y tongue. I think I might need some medical attention. Especially since I got out of the hospital a mere 5 hours ago." I complained as I looked at them. Sarutobi froze. 

     "Maybe it wasn't the best Idea to torture him right after he woke up in the hospital." He muttered as he scratched his head.

    "Who would have guessed that. Certainly not any sane person. Even someone as nuts as me knew it was the stupidest idea I've ever heard, and I've met Naruto, so that's saying something." I stated as Ibiki started walking towards me. 

   "I think you need to learn how to keep your mouth shut." Ibiki growled as I turned my glare on him. He shivered a bit as I looked at him so coldly I could freeze the sun.

     "And you. Next time, confirm the facts someone tells you before you cut their tongue in half. For all you know, Your little brother is sitting in a house eating anything he desires. Maybe He's in my house eating Dango I bought him. Maybe I was just giving you a taste of your own medicine. Talking about the torturous events my family did to me. You cruel person." I told him angrily. He was frozen in shock. 

     "Did you kill my brother?" He asked as I looked him straight in the face. He looked so broken. Like he'd been through the most agonizing thing and he couldn't stand back up. I had felt like that before. I had been that before. I new what I had to do. Tell the truth.

    "No. Last time I saw him, I was just going through town. He was fine." I told him as his face lit up. He had just heard the best news he ever had. Then he realized what he did. "Oh and sorry for telling you I did. That was a pretty low blow." It was an authentic apology. 

      "It's... Ok. Um... Sorry for... You know.. Your tongue and all. And the suggestion of carving words like he did." He said sheepishly. I could tell what he was thinking. it was 'So he does have a little bit of kindness in what I thought was a nonexistent heart.' but he was wrong. I don't. I had been in his shoes before. Back when I didn't know what I had done to deserve what they did to me. Back when I cared. I didn't need to be kind to tell him. I needed to have no heart. Because I didn't regret saying it. My sorry was authentic because I knew I shouldn't have said it. I shouldn't have broken him so bad. But damn, it felt good. 

      "Yeah yeah. Whatever. I can just scare people with my tongue now." I said as smirked.  wasn't going to mention how angry the suggestion of word carving had made me. 

     "So he does have a heart." I heard Inoichi mutter as he looked at me. It was clear he was talking about me. I'll just let him believe that. I'll just let him think I was saying those words because I had a heart. 

    "I'll be forced to do the chunin exams anyways. So how about I do them? Great. I will. Now can we get my fingers healed? I may not be showing it but they do hurt. Oh and my hand. And my arm. My tongue is fine though. It already scabbed pretty quickly." I stated as they uncuffed me from the chair. Good. I had to pee. 

    "Mikatsuki, you've been out for four days by the way." Sarutobi said as I looked at him.

    "Well shit. That doesn't sound very healthy." I stated as he nodded. 

    "We thought you might've been in a coma." He stated as I shook my head. 

   "Nah. I've been out for longer when I actually had injuries. I was just sleep deprived." I stated as he nodded. Then I was taken to the bathroom. After that I finally got the medical attention I definitely needed. By the time they let me out, It was already at least 1:30 pm. Mind you, I had been taken to interrogation at 7:45 am. 


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