Chapter Four

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I never would've figured out that hitting on Yhannie would be just another piece of cake. I just did a few sweet-talking and winking, and then I got her already. I thought Yhannie would be this hard-to-get-fuck-off lady or maybe this go-to-hell type of a hot chick and that my dare of hitting on her would have been more fun and challenging, but damn my speculations were way below the roster. I didn't even break a sweat. Yhannie was equally gullible as most of the girls I've been hitting on. It's a shame on her part because she's this sizzling hot chick. She has this long wavy hair that extends up to her waist, and this picture-perfect Coca-Cola shaped body. Now that's a total catch.

Yhannie and I went to a five-star restaurant earlier for our so-called date, her treat of course, as usual, and it's not like I'm going to pay for silly things like this. For the record, I wouldn't even call it a date. This is just eating and talking then driving towards heaven after. I'm just after the sex and some freebies, of course, nothing more, and nothing less.

"Damn girl, I didn't know you were really good at this" Getting out of the bed and putting back my boxers and pants on, I asked Yhannie. She was lying partially naked on her queen-sized bed—the bitch's sick rich as fuck living alone in a large mansion with seven maids. I don't even know where her parents are. I could dig a hole mine of diamonds just from her, but I'm not a digger, so let's just leave her money alone."It's my second time," She replied innocently as she reached out for some more of the blanket to cover more of her exposed voluptuous body. She's surprisingly fifty percent better in bed than every woman I've had sex with. Even right now I still have a hard rock boner just from staring at her

"Really? This was your second time?" I asked gravely, thinking about how good she was. How come that I didn't think about hitting on Yhannie earlier? She's dope as fuck. "Not bad, eh."

"Yeah. I mean...... I only sleep with guys that I really liked" She blurted out with a deep, sincere face that scared the shit out of me. I don't consider myself special right at that. It just made me nervous. Dumping her would be a sure pain in the ass.

"So you really like me that much, eh?" I trailed, playing it cool and breezy. I pulled out a pack of cigarettes from the pocket of my jeans then lit one without even asking for Yhannie's permission, although I suppose she's okay with it because I didn't saw any gestures or reactions of protest. To be more polite, I offered her some, but she shook her head.

"Of course I do. You're very handsome and sweet and gentle and caring.... you know what I mean" I blinked twice, hoping that I might have heard her wrong but seeing her gorgeous face says otherwise. "I think those rumours I've been hearing about you were all wrong and just constructed to give you a bad reputation."

"I don't know about that" I sucked a short laugh. All of those aren't rumours; they are, to be exact, newsflash about me. I don't mind them at all as long as I still get girls to do me whenever I want, then I'm just going to shrug those all off my shoulder and play like nothing's happening.

"No, really Valentine. I'm serious. You're a very good person, I can see that inside of you.... and I want to know more about you" Her face was serene as she was saying that.

"I don't know, but you know what? I don't believe in labels," I remarked, puffing out some white smoke as I speak. Labels were created just to secure the feelings or whatever, but even if you put that to secure something you call a relationship, it doesn't even matter. One way or another, someone will be tempted to cheat, someone will be forced to create a mistake, and someone will voluntarily cut wounds.

"It's okay, Valentine. I don't really care if we don't put labels or whatever in this, as long as you love me, it doesn't really matter," She said without losing her self-possession. But in my mind, I say hell no. This was just the first day, and I feel like I'm way beyond successful at doing my dare. First, I feel like Yhannie's fallen head over heels on me, which makes the dumping of her harder and even complicated, but I'm sure it's quite pleasurable to see her cry and beg over me. Second, we already had sex, and that's already a plus plus. Third and last, I think she'll probably do whatever it takes to make me happy.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure of that," She said. I inched my way to her, then we kissed.

The next day Yhannie appeared to have forgotten about her circle of friends, real and cold. She didn't even want to talk to them when I told her. She kept on avoiding them and kept on following my feet. I didn't have much of choice but to be with her alone for the rest of the day and probably for the rest of the remaining days. I can't really have her lingering around with Aldrin and Jack because I'm afraid she's going to stalk them or us when the time comes that I'll drop her off my shoulder. It's a relief that Aldrin and Jack understand that.

The next week seemed pretty rough and pleasurable on my inner part. We had a few wild nights, and it was fucking awesome for me. The first three days with Yhannie were that fun, but like what I said, I don't stick to things that long, so probably one of these coming days I'll be dumping Yhannie already but just not now. I'm currently enjoying the brighter spotlight I'm getting to my already bright spotlight. Yhannie and I were like the new Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt thing now, and everyone talked about us. We already have this so-called 'Valennie' ship thingy. They must've thought that I've settled for good because it's been two weeks since, and I'm still with Yhannie, but I doubt that myself. Yhannie's just another toy for me to play. A Barbie doll instead to sound even more favourable to the ears.

Everyone thinks I loved Yhannie, even Jack and Aldrin. Speaking of them, Jack already did his dare successfully, which was very surprising to him. Aldrin almost got his dare, but only Karen wanted an orgy, but Aldrin doesn't do orgies because he thinks it's disgusting in all aspects.

When I went to the restroom to do my own business during lunch, I happened to stumble to one of Yhannie's friends, who I believe to be Dominic. The one with the grey eyes and soft light skin that could make a run out for my money. There's some point that I thought he's Yhannie's boyfriend because they're a lot closer to each other, but it turned out that they were just friends.

"Hey Valentine, congratulations on stealing Yhannie from us," He said, putting his arms across his chest. I know he's upset about that whole thing, and I was sure I heard sarcasm boiling in his tongue, plus he saw me hooking up with some other girl the day I began hitting on Yhannie although I'm thanking him for not being a big mouth about that I'm not going to tone down myself for him.

"Thank you so much, Dominic. You know I don't get much of that recognition per se" Sounding even more mocking, I gave him a smirk that seemed to pull every ounce of anger from him. "Where's my trophy, by the way?" I added.

"Just be sure that you don't hurt Yhannie's feelings bec---"

"Because what?" I scowled, pushing him towards the nearest wall with a faint thudding sound. "What are you gon' do about it" I yelled, which probably scared the shit out of him.

"I'll fucking kill you" He vented after a few moments of silence.


"I'll fucking kill you" He repeated it, and this time he's full force with his voice.

"Then do it now, com' on hit me!!!" I ordered vehemently at him, opening myself for him to hit me with his clenched fist. "Com' on do it, kill me! You know what if you don't like getting my hands on your friend, then you should've done something in the first place," I said, but he didn't respond, not any word came out from his gritted mouth. He just gave me very hateful scorn before finally leaving the restroom carrying his entire grudge on me with him.

I want to punch him right there and kick him in his balls and smack his cream puffed face until he begs for my mercy, but I won't just light the fire just now. I already sparked a grudge from him, so I'll just chill first.

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