Chapter Twelve

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          In the unwanted swirl of wind, I was just a hundred percent decisive in breaking Valentine's heart to ten thousand bits in my own fist but after hearing every word about why did Yhannie let Valentine hit on her I was shook down to ruins that it even made me feel like I dug my own grave using just my hands. I literally inhaled and swallowed a bit and try to let everything settle in my own skin. It was like an episode of How to Get Away with Murder teen version. I knew then that I'm already screwed. Fuck. My poor brain was stuck in a dusty maelstrom of whether to push this stupid destroy Valentine shit or to just quit, though I was thinking if ever I nail this then everyone whom he'd hurt will finally achieve the happiness they wanted. I'm not a fairy godmother nor a shooting star.

During the rest of the week nothing extra special really happened, except that Valentine really pursued on stalking me every time he gets the opportunity to but thank the lord because evading him is one of my hidden talent. Or, maybe not, to say that there are lots of times that he can actually come and talk to me if he wanted to but I think he just haven't boosted enough heat of bravery to really venture his way to the sea of curious eyes just to reach where I was standing at. That was drastically unexpected of him though, he went from the one being stalked to the one who is stalking real quick and that was just because of my stupid kiss and honestly, it scares the shit out of me.

I have kissed lots of guys before though, i admit that, but he's the only one who ended up like this.

Yhannie, with her flashy diamond smile and effervescent face sat like a blooming rose beside me during geometry. She usually seats beside me whenever she has something to gossip so its a hundred percent guarantee that she sat beside me to just chat with me even if Mr. O'Neil is talking in front of the class. That's one of our hidden talents though, aside from texting without looking at our phones during class, we also gossip without being caught so I think that's already a vindication that we are best friends. We haven't talked that much about the the contract that I signed since then but I can see through my gay intuition if that's even a thing, that she's excited at the fact that I signed the contract plus adding the fact that she knew that I'm just a rainbow mini-skirt hanging idly inside my own closet. Part of me wants to gut her, send her rolling down the hill then finally burn her to ashes for taking those large dosage of sleeping pills.

Goodness, I hate her stupidity. If I only knew then I would've probably never went to that club and recklessly signed that contract but it turns out that I know nothing at all.

"Hey Nick, Valentine's keep on stealing glances from you" She whispered nonchalantly, her tone is a little bit much of a fujoshi melody ringing in my ears, as if she's watching Call Me By Your Name where in Elio and Oliver just kissed for the first time by the grassy field. She was inches away from me but I can feel her heart jumping from a bunny to a kangaroo.

"Who?" I asked in a snippet. As if I didn't heard Valentine's name.

"Valentine" She giggled making more obvious that she's not listening to Mr. O'Neil's discussion.

"I don't care, I'm gonna tap out from that stupid destroy Valentine shit anyway" I blurted, making my voice sounding more virile and monotone while still focusing on our discussion but I made it smooth that I delivered it with clear conviction. I'm don't want any of these anymore.

Apparently, since Yhannie is okay anyway after all, I just want to clear the space then and forgive her stupidity and try my poor best to appreciate how much of a good Samaritan she is when she tried to destroy Valentine in her own selfish way. But when it comes to scaling both probabilities, what she did doesn't compensate for abandoning us much more than not telling us about this Anti Valentine Club and shit. We could've helped her with that. She could've probably destroyed Valentine literally though. The more I mentally scale the weight of these things up one by one the more the percentage of me getting anxious. This is actually even worst than studying all night because at least, in studying I perform excellently but in here I'm like a kid with ADHD trying to solve equations.

"What?!!!" She almost screamed in abrupt disappointment, like when you're watching this super romantic drama film when both main characters are about to kiss but then someone interrupts them. She quickly covered her mouth the moment she realized we are in the middle of class.

"I don't want to-----ouch!" I was about to defend my own words to Yhannie but then something hit my head. I quickly turned my head around to see who was the suspect but I see no one but all these faces acting that they're all listening to Mr. O'Neil.

My eyes brushed towards Valentine. For a moment I let my eyes lay on him, yeah he is definitely perfect. I slowly picked the crumpled paper then slowly, I uncrumpled it just to read a note;


I was about to erupt straight up like a volcano but then I see Mr. O'Neil's old loafers on the floor before finally realizing that he's already reading the paper.

Oh great.

"WHO SENT THIS LETTER TO YOU?" Mr. O'Neil asked in a calm way possible looking straight into my eyes, I know he's pissed as fuck but he's already old and probably afraid to die so he kept himself calm even when the truth inside him wants to shout as loud as he can.

For a second, no one responded, I can tell by the silence of the entire room that everyone is falling innocent until the guilty motherfucker raised his hands.

Mr. O'Neil was about to lose his shackles but luckily the bell rang just in time to save his imminent cardiac arrest.


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