Chapter Eleven

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In my entire messy life I never felt this extremely hungry, not for food but for something I never knew I was hungry for. I just realized that after kissing Dominic. Or maybe I just didn't see the possibility of that thing happening because I was satisfactorily entertained by looking at the deceiving view of the other way around rather than the right panorama.

I was an asshole. I know that but I've got to admit Dominic's kiss left me pretty fucked up in a very ecstatic way that I really wanted more from him. The feeling was bizarre yet phenomenal, like ice cold fresh water that quenched my thirst.

After last Friday night I didn't have a very good night sleep, even until the rest of the weekend and it was fucking tearing me down to the ground. For the first time in my life, I never went out for during Saturday and Sunday night which was pretty lame. Aldrin tried calling me out to have some more fun but I turned him down just like how Jack always turns us down.

My thought was honestly focused on Dominic and our kiss.

Monday came slower than I expected though. Maybe because I was eagerly waiting for it to come so I would have a chance to talk to Dominic. That kiss definitely meant something, for me at least. I needed to clear things up the way it needed to be cleared.

I'm not gay but fuck that stupid kiss. I never knew it would that be awesome and I can't stop thinking about it. Honestly, this is fucking embarrassing and I don't really know how to describe it anymore. Or maybe I am gay and I just didn't know about it.

I don't know. I'm confused.

I entered first period feeling rather exhausted. It's nothing new for me every first period during Mondays, I'm always exhausted and sleepy during the rest of the first period but I do feel like something's weighing me down.

I saw Dominic writing something on his notebook and I don't really understand why I feel weird and awkward just by looking at him. There's this great urge of me wanting to approach him the way I always do. Cool and awesome. He looked at me subconsciously then smiled like we don't know each other and that we just met on a subway and smiled on each other. I swear I heard my heart pumped faster than normal. I was about to approach him when Mrs. Price ruined my timing.

Fuck it!

During launch Aldrin and Jack kept on talking and talking like they used to, I mean like we use to. I, on the other side kept on stealing some glances at Dominic's table. He was sitting right beside Yhannie, who was by the way blooming today, which gave me some sort of relief, as they both was giggled around while they slowly touch their meals.

This isn't me, obviously.

I never felt so obsessed with someone before because, frankly by my killer looks, I was the one whom people are being obsessed with and that feeling was so funny that I can't even explain it. Yet now, as I was staring at Dominic chuckling upon something I reckoned to be a joke thrown by one of his friends. It felt oddly bad and pleasurably good at the very same time.

"Dude what's wrong with you?" Alrdin asked hoping to grab my attention by snapping his fingers right in front of my eyes. "You're weird today"

"I'm sorry, I just.......I'm just not feeling well today" I blinked quick as I shifted my attention and answered his question before bowing down then going back to touching my food like I don't want to eat it.

"I think he has blue balls" I heard Jack whispered to Aldrin which was technically not a whisper because it was intentionally loud so I could hear it.

"Fuck you Mr. Clean!!!!" I spat then grabbed my bag before leaving them both.

I'm not angry or annoyed at that but I just don't feel myself today. There's so much going on inside my mind and I thought being alone would help me clear things up.

I went inside the restroom hoping to find the solitary confinement I'm looking for. Teachers and school staffs aren't allowed to enter the student's restrooms so technically, in all aspects it's totally safe for me to smoke here unless someone's going to snitch me up but I doubt that. Everyone knows my name here because I'm a force to be reckoned with.

I swiftly went inside the nearest cubicle before lighting up a cigarette just to take myself off this reality that's pulling me towards its deep abyss.

Subsequently, I was already enjoying blowing some thick amount of smoke that seemed to give the full effect I desired when someone came inside pushing the door nonchalantly. For a moment I was startled that I almost got myself burned but when I saw it was Dominic I immediately flinched. Everything froze as if he was some ice king that has come for me.

"What are you doing?" He asked in a friendly manner. I didn't see any sign of fear not even a hint of awkwardness or just the element of surprise from him which was exceptionally weird because every time he sees me he trembles like a wet cat. But now he seemed pretty different and rather confident like we had known each other for years.

"Nothing?" I mumbled trying to hide the already put off cigarette behind me. And I'm almost unaware that I'm already the one trembling on my knees.

"You are smoking" He pointed out his eyebrows raised. He was standing right in front of me and I don't understand why I'm shaking.

"No I'm not" I said curling my fist to hide the cigarette inside. I wanted to tell him to fuck off and mind his own business like I'm used to but the words seemed to fall very flat that it won't come out of my mouth.

"I'm going to tell them" He rolled his eyes before finally leaving but without properly thinking I quickly grabbed his hands then pulled him closer to me and I was kissing him again. His lips felt even more tender and juicy and I can taste cherry of some sort.

"What he fuck are you doing?" He snapped almost surprised as he pushed me away from my firm hold of him.

"I-I thought....I want to kiss you more" I trailed. I don't even understand why I said that. Never in a million years that I would say that to a guy like him but fuck that I really did say it. And yes, I wanted to kiss him more. I know that now.

"What the fuck Valentine" Dominic asked wiping his lips with the hem of his shirt. "Do you hear yourself?"

"Fuck shit!" I said as I punched the wall to the realization that I sounded pretty desperate. And yes, I was desperate.

"That kiss was just a one-time thing okay" Dominic blurted looking rather serious.

"How's that even a one-time thing?" I demanded with my voice almost breaking. Is he playing me? How's that even a one-time thing when he torridly kissed me back?

"Look Valentine, I'm not gay and if you tell anyone about our kiss, I swear I will tear your life to pieces" He vented then left.

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