Chapter Fifteen

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          I guess that kiss was the only thing I badly needed to get through this mess. Or maybe not. To be honest I'm already freaking out knowing that I never wanted it but maybe it turns out that I really needed it. It felt really great and somehow weird maybe too much for enlightenment.

Oh fuck, am I gay?

I'm still confused, I mean I can see it clearly, though I'm afraid there's still this blurry part that I cannot see no matter how I'm eager.

How the fuck did that happen?

Can someone just make a straight dude gay? There are tons of questions flooding my mind right now and at this point I'm not so sure about anything anymore.

Dominic had just left after declining my offer to take him out tonight which is a positive thing on the note that I maybe just said that right at the moment where I'm still high by his kiss and without really pondering about it. The crazy thing is I'm not even pissed off that he turned me down straight to the point rather than not showing up. Of course I had to ask why, I'm not the type of person who needs to ask why to every reason or whatnot. I think its lame but the truth is everyone needs a reason to go on. I don't feel mad or anything. This feels more like paving a clear pathway for me to get to know more about him. This only means Dominic is a walking challenge and I was born for challenges like this.

My feet were itching as fuck, it wants follow Dominic to where ever his feet might lead him but then I said to myself that maybe today's not my lucky day. And I should accept and respect that. Tomorrow's always another day. Al though, at least I got what I needed and clearly, I need more of it in order to lift up my confusion.

I lit a couple of cigarette at my favorite smoking area blocks and blocks away from school. This time I'm just savoring the solitary pleasure of going solo on a Friday afternoon. One girl tried to flirt with me. She's not that pretty but she got a whole lot of ass but I ignored her anyways. Usually I would just jump right in but now I just don't have that hunger inside me anymore. It's interesting because I should already be booked by some chick but today I'm unconsciously and consistently ignoring all of them.

A few hours later I just found myself lying on my bed at home listening to this weird love song I've never heard before on my iPod which is probably the most bizarre thing that happened today since today is Friday and I habitually never go home during Fridays. After school I always find these fun places to hang out before going to night clubs or crashing a house party or just having fun in a motel with some lady and then go home super drunk the next morning. My father doesn't give a crap anyway whether I go home drunk as fuck or pretty sober, early or late, alone or with someone else as long as I go home safe and sound.

The music went on until I fell asleep for like an hour and forty-five minutes before finally waking up out of dehydration.

"Good afternoon son" My dad greeted when I went downstairs to find something cold to drink. The fridge is almost vomiting with stuffs we don't even consume. What a waste.

"Hey dad" I answered deadpan just to acknowledge his presence before grabbing a bottle of ginger ale and pouring it into my dry throat.

"I'm surprised you're home too early today, wow that's an achievement!" I'm not sure if he's just being sarcastic or he's trying to mock my surprising actions. Either way I don't give a shit about it.

I noticed him cooking something that smells really delightful which is also bizarre of him. As far as I can recall, the last time he cooked was approximately eight months ago when he tried to propose to this ungrateful woman who turned out to be just a gold digger.

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