Chapter Ten

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The weekend had been long but not long enough to even make me forget about what just happened last Friday night. It was one of those unexpected things that just happened unexpectedly fast in a way that you...I didn't even had the shortest of seconds to just ponder about my actions. The reality of things seemed like a fuzzy dream and that it was even profoundly aggressive that we are like both having our very own hormonal imbalances breaking down together.

Although in my own defense I didn't really enjoy the kiss because Valentine's mouth tasted like vapid beer and it was seemingly awful. I'm a party person, that's a fact but beer isn't my thing for the sole reason that my tongue is so sensitive when it comes to flavors. However, I've got to admit that Valentine's is really a good kisser and it's one good reason as to why he's a damn good playboy.

Everything was completely out of my mind when I initiated it and I solely thought Valentine's going to beat me to death the moment I dragged his buffer body against the car which required almost all of my strength but then after everything I just realized I really did successfully kissed Valentine as part of the initial plan and it was somehow funny and weird that he kissed me back instead of pushing me away. That time I was thinking about getting punched again or even kicked.

I never expect it to turn that way. That moment after pushing him my mind was already considering the idea about just giving up and just going home and try it again sometime in the near future but yes, something inside boosted me enough courage to do it.

"Errr..." I aired before opening my locker. Just by hearing the creaking sound almost made my body cringe.

I have to come to school a bit earlier than my usual schedule and had to drag mom and my sister to it because I really need to talk to Yhannie. She stood quietly feeling herself behind me waiting for me to finish my business. She just came out of the hospital yesterday just in time when I went to visit her and unfortunately I didn't have the time to chat with her because she needed some time to rest at home because she had hospital lag. But now she was better than ever.

"What?" I asked as I began to notice that she can't get a hold of herself, well somehow she can't, while staring at me in a quite weird un-Yhannie way that seemed to trigger some questions inside my already curious mind.

"Dominic we need to talk" I heard her speak as she took a hold of my shoulder. I missed her so much that I almost felt like her presence was very strong and compelling.

"Yes, we really do......." I nodded as I slammed my locker shut.

I was already thinking about opening the topic on the contract that I signed about breaking Valentine's heart but then I thought, even if I already forgave Yhannie the easiest way this time because of her suicidal bullshit, I still have my tower of a pride to keep so I kept my mouth shut. I let her start opening the floor of conversation so it would be somewhat legitimate. After all she's the one who needed to say something in the first place anyway.

"Uhnm......Okay, first of all. I just want to apologize for leaving you guys for Valentine,......." She began in a very apologetic gesture and I think she mean it. "I didn't actually wanted any of that to happen...... you know, I know you know that but I was just stuck in the moment that I can't even deal with all of it so I just did what I did and I'm sorry.....I'm really really sorry"

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