Chapter 2:Technonicia

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[After some time,the Gacha Summoner and Ellie found the said Blades of Corruption]

Gacha Summoner-Well,here it is.

Ellie-What world do you think it will be?

Gacha Summoner-One way to find out.

[They enter the portal]

Ellie-W-wah!?We're in another forest?

???-Hello again,looks like you've arrived at my world of origin.

Ellie-Hmm,why is that voice so familiar?

???-It's because we've met before

Ellie-Oh!You must be-

[The figure in the dark moved closer]

???-Yup,it's me Cykopath.

Gacha Summoner-So is this where you came from?

Cykopath-Yeah,Reapress Magy also came from this world.

Ellie-But how did you two got to the Exp. Dungeons?

Cykopath-Me and Magy found it through a portal while we were strolling through these woods.We did it out of curiosity.We would train there everyday.

Gacha Summoner-How did you and Magy pass through the portal?I know only me and Ellie are the ones able to do that.

Cykopath-I,myself,don't know how.

Ellie-Wait,how are you calm right now?Aren't you usually insane?

Cykopath-Well,I only go true Cykopath while in battle.Being provoked also makes me crazy.

Gacha Summoner-Ok,by the way,what is this place?

Cykopath-This place is called Cykonia.Just kidding,this place is called Technonicia.By the way,every citizen wears these bands made of Technonecium,which is the commonly known metal here,around their wrists to represent that i they are a citizen of this place.

Gacha Summoner-So,there are other places?

Cykopath-Yup,there are other cities.But only the Guardians of Technonicia are the ones who are permitted to go outside Technonicia.

Ellie-Are you one of the guardians?

Cykopath-Yup,I'm the Guardian of Water.Most of my friends are also guardians.By the way,all of the Guardians wear colored Wristbands and represents which guardian you are by color.Well,while you two are here,let me give you two a tour to this place and maybe even introduce you to my friends.

Gacha Summoner-Sure,that would help a lot.

Cykopath-The path ahead actually has a ton of monsters,so prepare for anything.

[After defeating a wave of enemies,the three then head to the city of Technonicia.While they were arriving near the city,they are greeted by Reapress Magy]

Reapress Magy-Hello again!

Ellie-Hi!So is that Technonicia?

Reapress Magy-Yup,I see you've been greeted by Cykopath first,right?

Ellie-Yeah,he might have waited near the portal.

Reapress Magy-Well,while we're here,let's continue the journey together?Oh,and by the way,monsters have been appearing near the city so beware.

Gacha Summoner-Well,advice taken.

[After fighting another wave of monsters,they arrive at Technonecia.While walking through Technonecia,they chat about stuff]

Ellie-Hey Magy,how did you and Cyko knew each other?

Reapress Magy-He became my mentor to become stronger.

Ellie-So you trained with him?

Reapress Magy-Yup,along with his friends.

Ellie-If you don't mind me asking,are you also a Guardian?

Reapress Magy-Yeah,I became one about 2 or 3 years ago.I'm the Guardian of Darkness.

Ellie-I wonder who the others are.

Gacha Summoner-Cyko did say he has some friends,that are Guardians,that we may want to meet.

Cykopath-Yup,we just need to walk more and maybe we'll see her

[After chatting through the city,they see an archer fighting a wave of monsters]

Cykopath-Well,here's one now

???-Cyko,Who are those two?Explain now or I'll have no choice but to shoot them!

Cykopath-They're my friends from another world.Guys,meet Sagittarius Ellyn the Guardian of Nature.

Sagittarius Ellyn-Sorry for the misunderstanding,it's just that there are plenty of intruders lately.

Ellie-It's okay,we're here to solve the problem.

Sagittarius Ellyn-If we're going to find the enemy,we should find Shiro Snow.Shiro always know where and who we're going against,plus she's the Guardian of Light.

???-Someone calling me?

Sagittarius Ellyn-Shiro!?Where are you?

Shiro Snow-Right above you,nya!

[A shadow falls from the sky]

Shiro Snow-So,what's up?

Sagittarius Ellyn-Intruders are on the rise recently.Any ideas why?

Shiro Snow-Not yet.I'll get to it right now.

Ellie-Wait!How many Guardians are there?

Cykopath-There are 5 of us,why?

Gacha Summoner-Who's the 5th one?

Sagittarius Ellyn-Killer Reddox,the Guardian of Fire.Now that you've mentioned it,I haven't seen Reddox for a while.

Shiro Snow-The last time I saw him was when he was heading to a portal between 2 swords.

Ellie-The Blades Of Corruption!

Reapress Magy-The Blades of what?

Ellie-The Blades of Corruption can corrupt someone if it is influenced by it.

Sagittarius Ellyn-If it's the reason why there are so many monsters,then I guess we all have to find it.

Cykopath-We need to evacuate the people to protect them from the monsters!

Shiro Snow-Well,how about this?We evacuate everyone and you two should find Reddox or the Portal,whichever comes first.You game with that?

Gacha Summoner and Ellie-Yup,let's split!

[They split up with the 4 evacuating the citizens and the Summoner and Ellie finding the Blades of Corruption]

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