Holiday Chapter 2-1:Reunited Friends

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(The season of winter starts while the Gacha Summoner and Ellie rest on a grassland)

Gacha Summoner-Aah,the shade of this tree and the fresh wind makes me sleepy!

Ellie-I know,right?Uhm, you know that it's already December?

Gacha Summoner-Really!?It really doesn't feel like it...

(Suddenly,they get a call from Sylph)

Gacha Summomer-Hey Sylph,what's up?

Sylph-Can you come back to Elementia?I have something to show you!

Gacha Summomer-Uh,yeah,sure...

Sylph-Thanks,I'll be waiting![Ends call]

Gacha Summoner-Well,you heard her Ellie,let's go!


(The two travel back to Elementia and are welcomed by passing steam)

Gacha Summoner-What's with the fog?

(After the fog-like steam passes,the two are greeted by another pair.The first is a flame spirit while the other is a water spirit)

Ellie-Hi again!Efreet and Undine was it?

Efreet-Welcome back,you two...

Undine-Sylph is waiting inside...

(The two assists the Gacha Summomer and Ellie to Sylph)

Sylph-Welcome back,guys!

Gacha Summomer-Okay,so why are we here?

Sylph-Well,have you ever wondered how snow exists?

Ellie-Isn't snow a kind of rain that drops snowflakes?

Sylph-That's what they want you to think!

Gacha Summoner-What?

Sylph-You see,snow came from me,ME!

Ellie-Wait,aren't you the spirit of wind?

Sylph-Yes,that's why I make snow!

Gacha Summoner-Isn't there a spirit of frost or something?

Sylph-Not yet,but I do hope that there would be!

Gacha Summoner-Why?

Sylph-Making snow around the "Creator's Universe",or the Luniverse when Luni says it,is hard you know!You do it for 4 months a year,and after that,the snow melting for Spring would be harder if Efreet wasn't here!

Ellie-Okay,let's see it!Show us the magic,Sylph!


(Wind starts to flow while Sylph chants)

Sylph-Spirits of the Wind!Heed my call,and flow your breeze for all!

(The wind starts to form flakes of snow)


Ellie-Hang on,you said Spirits of Wind ,right?But aren't you a Spirit yourself?

Sylph-Ah,another great question!Yes I AM the Spirit of Wind,but I make snow out of spiritual essence that flows out of living creatures who die and rot.To put it simply,I'm the leader of every Spirit that's linked to Wind Energy!

Gacha Summoner-(This reminds me of another game...)Anyway,you make snow from dead living beings?

Sylph-To answer that,yes.But we don't kill to make snow!We gather their essence and unleash them to the sky when the time is right!

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