Chapter 10:Battle of The King of Blades and The Queen of Blaze

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(The Gacha Summoner,and Ellie,exits the portal to find another kingdom)

Gacha Summoner-Another kingdom?

Ellie-It seems like it...

Gacha Summoner-But it seems that there's no people around.

Guard-Hey!You there!Did you not hear the king's word!?He said that everyone should evacuate!

Gacha Summoner-Why?

Guard-Where we're you when the king announced the news!?

Gacha Summoner-Sorry,I just arrived here...

Guard-I see...very well,the king announced that every citizen,may they be from distant lands,should evacuate to the castle because of the incoming raid from a rival country,Ignia.The fleet is commanded by Ignia's Queen,Karma...

Gacha Summoner-So no one's holding the the ground here?

Guard-Are you crazy!?No one can hope to beat their advanced weaponry and armor made out of Ignia's famed metal,"Ignium".

Gacha Summoner-Let me guess,the metal is a burning hot material,right?

Guard-Exactly,their weapons can melt weapons and armor.No one even wishes to fight them because of that!

Gacha Summoner-What if I try?

Guard-If you want to defend the land by yourself,it's your funeral.

(Just then,a hooded man approaches the Summoner)

???-He's not alone...

Gacha Summoner-And you are?

???-Call me Zei...

Guard-If you're not gonna go back to the castle then,I'll be going back,I don't want to die out here![Flee's the scene]

Zei-So,I heard you want to bust some heads too,right?

Gacha Summoner-Yeah...

Zei-Well,if you're gonna bust some heads,you gotta be prepared!

Gacha Summoner-I'm ready!

Zei-Good,because they're already here...

(Ships begin to arrive at the shore)

Ignia General-Queen,the Merus Kingdom seems to have resistance once again!There are only two of them,what are your orders?

Queen Karma-Send in the soldiers,then the elites,next will be the generals,and if they still wish to resist,I will end them myself!Now let's begin the raid!Soldiers,attack!

Ignia Warriors-ALL HAIL THE QUEEN!

(The Ignia Warriors land the bay and charge upon Zei and the Gacha Summoner)

Ignia Warriors-FOR THE QUEEN!

Zei-Come on!

Gacha Summoner-Let's go!

(The two stand their ground and beat up the first wave of soldiers)

Ignia General-My Queen,all of the warriors have been wiped out!

Queen Karma-Hundreds of warriors fallen?That's very interesting.Very well,send in the elites,let's see how they'll handle them.

Ignia General-Elites,charge the enemy!

(The elites are deployed to the field)

Zei-I must admit you're pretty good at combat!

Gacha Summoner-Yeah,you too!

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