Holiday Chapter 2-3:Christmas at Vinyl City Part 2-The Bet

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The two arrive at Technonicia.They are greeted by Cykopath who has a Christmas-themed look...

Cykopath-Oh hey guys,what's up with the visit?Anything new?

Ellie-We came from Vinyl City.DJ Phantom said he was here and he told us to go to Technonicia.So,what's with the new style?

Cykopath-It's Christmas!I wouldn't be wearing this if it wasn't Christmas,right?

Summoner-He does have a point there...

Cykopath-Anyways,since you two are here,wanna come with me?I wanna show you guys something!

Ellie leans close to the Summoner and whispers

Ellie-Do you think it's a trap?

Summoner-I don't think so...

Cyko notices the two whispering

Cykopath-Aw come on,guys!It's nothing dangerous or harmful,I swear!

Ellie-I wish...

Summoner-Give him a chance Ellie,let's just go!

Cykopath-That's the spirit!Now,let's go!

The two follow Cykopath through the forest,Ellie asks Cyko as they walk through...

Ellie-Hang on,where's Magy?Aren't you two always together?

Cykopath-Magy's busy with Christmas stuff,Shiro's out for hibernation,Ellyn's on watch along with Reddox,and there's me walking with you two!

Ellie-Where are you taking us anyway?

Cykopath-Don't worry,it's just around the corner!

As they walk through the forest,Cyko pauses

Cykopath-Alright,guys!We're here!

Ellie-Where is here?

Cykopath points to a factory

Cykopath-Here IS here!


Cykopath-Still clueless!?Alright,get in!

The three enter the factory.The machines and equipment seems to be safe for use.The use for these machines is then explained by Cykopath

Ellie-So what's with this factory?

Summoner-Yeah,why did you bring us here?

Cykopath-Just watch this!

Cykopath pulls down a lever.The machine starts to function.The sounds of grinding gears,steam and smoke coming from the machine,and striped canes with sharp bottoms.The sharp bottom of the candy cane could be sharp enough to stab and injure an unaware target.The machine seems to be a candy cane making machine.

Cykopath-So,what do you guys think?

Ellie-Those candy canes look delicious!

Cykopath-Want one?Here,catch!

Cykopath passes one candy cane to Ellie,but as Ellie was about to grab the candy cane,Cykopath charges in with his energy blade and then catches the candy cane to hold it like a stake.Cykopath is then seen with a face of a psycho.A grin so wide and eyes filled with bloodlust.The Summoner blocks the strike with the Gacha Sword...

Summoner-Cyko,what are you doing!?

Cykopath's face then reverts back to his normal demeanor.He sees the position he's in and apologizes

Cykopath-Oh,sorry about that!It's kind of a habit,I do that when that happens.Sorry about that!Anyways,here you go Ellie!

Ellie hesitates to take the candy cane due to the recent events


Cykopath-Hey,I said I'm sorry!Go on,take it!

The Summoner then takes it instead of Ellie

Summoner-Here you go,Ellie.It's okay,Cykopath wanted you to have it,right?


Cykopath pulls the lever up and the machine shuts down

Cykopath-Okay,without anymore of that topic in the way,let's get on with the show!Just follow me,don't worry,no tricks this time!

Summoner-Alright,just keep your word now,okay?

Cykopath-Yeah,yeah,let's go...

Cykopath leads the two to a room above the room of the machine.A familiar face is then seen tied up to a chair with ribbons...

DJ Phantom-He-hey guys,what's up?Hehe...You might be asking what I'm doing here...

Ellie-That's for sure!What are you even doing here!?How come your not in Vinyl City!

DJ Phantom-Well,you see,uh-

Cykopath-The last time we met,we had a bet and he lost!You know what happens on bets,right?

Ellie-Can you explain why DJ Phantom's wrapped in ribbons?

DJ Phantom-This was the punishment from the bet...

Hearing this,Ellie blushes and bursts in shock at the thought of the statement...

Ellie-Oh my gosh!Phantom,you're into these types of things!?Or is it Cyko who has a thing for this!?

(CyaNeo-I'm aware that I inserted an innuendo/adult joke/s-joke,good luck if you get it,but it's better if you don't ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

DJ Phantom-Er,uh,no.This is really my doing,but it happened because of this...

DJ Phantom struggles to grab a disc and passes it to the Summoner...

DJ Phantom-Here,this caused all of this.

Summoner-It looks like a Mixgear Disc,not the Ultimate Record itself nor its fragment...

Ellie-It's purple,isn't this your Mixgear Disc,Phantom?

DJ Phantom-Yes,but not entirely...

Summoner-What do you mean?

Cykopath-That's the punishment!I mean it's part of it.Truth is,I don't know if it can still be called as a punishment though.I mean,it's not my fault he's tied up!

Ellie-Hang on,what do you mean it's part of the punishment!?Is this some sort of broken large disc?

DJ Phantom-Uh,no.It's just a Mixgear Disc that Xavier gave to me a few months ago,it blasts ribbons.I didn't know how to use it properly,so this happened...

Ellie-Oh,good thing this isn't some sort of evil device!

DJ Phantom-What do you mean?

Before Ellie starts to explain,Cykopath interrupts...

Cykopath-So anyways,how about going back to Vinyl City,anyone?

Summoner-Why?What for?

Cykopath-Oh,nothing.I just have another thing to do that has to be done there...

Ellie-Okay,but no funny business,okay?

Cykopath-Yeah,yeah,the only one I need here is Phanny.Besides,I can go there myself,you don't have to come if you don't want to...

Summoner-No,we're going,we also have some things to do there.

Cykopath-Good,now let's go!

The four travel back to Vinyl City with DJ Phantom still tied up in ribbons...

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