Chapter 9:Battle of Light and Dark

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(An ongoing battle among Paladin I'ba and Seiya is set afoot as the Gacha Summoner watches the two looking at each other with stern eyes)

Paladin I'ba-Seiya!Why?Why are you doing this!?

Seiya-It's Tormentor Seiya!

Paladin I'ba-But why?Why ARE you doing this!?

Tormentor Seiya-I'm acting upon my own accord.The world will finally know true pain and pure darkness!But first,I'll just have to start with YOU!

(The Gacha Summoner steps forward and looks at Seiya while preparing to unsheathe the Gacha Sword)

Paladin I'ba-Don't!Even if he's acting wrongly,he is still my friend.Besides,this'll be a battle between me and him![Draws sword and swings in preparation of a stance]

Tormentor Seiya-Do you really think that THING will beat me?

Paladin I'ba-Wanna take chances as always,huh?

Tormentor Seiya-I'll end your worthless life soon!

Paladin I'ba-Come at me!

(The two charges to attack each other.Seiya summons three large scythes while I'ba flashes forward with holy swords charging together on his command.The two clash in battle until both are tired to fight)

Tormentor may have beaten me here but let's see how you can beat me inside![Enters the Portal of Corruption]

Paladin I'ba-Grr,I'm not done yet![Follows Seiya inside the portal]

Ellie-Let's go after them!

Gacha Summoner-Agreed[Both enter the portal to see a view filled with mirrors that reflect Seiya and an I'ba kneeling in despair]

Tormentor Seiya-Welcome to my house of torment I'ba,and most of all,the Gacha Summoner!

Gacha Summoner-Listen to yourself!This isn't you talking,it's the Corruption that took over you!

Tormentor Seiya-Plead more of these false claims and I will end you!Even if it is against HIS will!

Gacha Summoner-Who's this "HIM" your talking about?

Tormentor Seiya-Enough of the chatter!Now will be your end!

(After a few seconds the room is turned into a pitch-black room)

Ellie-Gaah!Not this again!

(Then,dark figures loom the area with chants of torment and fear)

Paladin I'ba-[Holds his head]Aaaah!Why!?Why did it have to come to this!?[Tears starts to fall and run from I'ba's face]

Gacha Summoner-I'ba,get a hold of yourself!

Paladin I'ba-How!?I can't fight him!

Ellie-But you did,a little bit earlier from this time though.

Paladin I'ba-But when we were fighting,I saw torment inside him himself!Every time I hit him,the more my friend is hurt from inside this....this..demon!

Gacha Summoner-I know,but you SHOULD do this because he's your friend.Just think that he'll be better after this.

Paladin I'ba-But I can't,I don't want to hit him anymore.I'll just surrender...[Falls to his knees]

Gacha Summoner-If you're not gonna do it...[Unsheathes the Gacha Sword].Then I will!

Paladin I'ba-No!Don't-[Ellie blocks I'ba's way]

Ellie-More people will get hurt if no one stops him!

Paladin I'ba-I'm sorry,my friend.I-I was too weak...

(While I'ba falls into despair,the dark figures disappear and Seiya reveals himself)

Tormentor Seiya-It looks like it's down to me and you,Summoner!

Gacha Summoner-Heh,bring it![Froms a battle stance]

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