Chapter 16:Triad Trials(Part 2)

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As they reach the top of the staircase,they find themselves inside a tall tower

Ellie-This is different,what is this place?

An elf with green hair and clothes holding a staff greets them

???-Welcome to the second trial,Summoner.I am Tiff,guardian of the Tower of Corruption.

Ellie-Another Corruption-related test!?Fine,what's your conditions?

Tiff-In order to pass my test,you must ascend through this tower of Corruption.Various enemies from various worlds with various strength await you for combat in order to move on to the next floor.

Ellie-And how many floors are there?

Tiff-One hundred floors filled with enemies awaiting to test your strength.Each set contains ten floors,meaning you will pass through ten sets.Now,your test begins,I wish you the best of luck and strong faith to move on...

Ellie-Hang on,a hundred floors!?Are you serious!?

As Ellie continues to throw a tantrum,Tiff fades and a door opens to reveal another staircase...

Summoner-Well,Ellie.I guess she was serious about it.Now,let's go!

As they climb through the first floor,a pack of goblins,each with different elements,charge at the two's direction


Summoner-Starting simple,huh?Well,bring it on!


The Summoner unleashes strikes,slashes,blows,and lunges as Ellie blasts the goblins with magic and blinds them with flashes of light.The two finish the first set,at the eleventh floor,bats and more goblins await them...

(CyaNeo-Disclaimer:To anyone who hasn't played Gacha World and/or might think this is a Goblin Slayer reference,it's not.It's just a reference to the fact that the first bunch or set of monsters in Gacha World are Goblins)

Summoner-Bats and more goblins?Have at me then!

Ellie-Proceed!I'm ready!

Wave after wave,the monsters are wiped out.The two proceed to the next set of monsters.Rogues and bandits welcome the two through the third set.

Bandit-Give up,stop here and surrender!

Rogue-Hehehe,if you know what's good for you,hehe...

Summoner-Nice try,but we won't give up easy!

Ellie-Not without a fight!

The two continue to defeat their foes until they reach the fourth set.A bunch of baby dragons charge their way and cheshire cats begin to prowl aggressively at the two of them

Cheshire Cats-Hiss!

Baby Dragons-Grr!

Ellie-Aw!They're so cute!Why do we need to fight these again?

Summoner-I mean they are just illusions of past enemies,so we shouldn't be worried about any of them being in harm

Ellie-I guess,sorry about this!

Moving on to the next set,with Ellie having regrets on the fourth,the fifth set consisted of shadows and nightmares both lighting the room with their red eyes...

Shadows-You are tired,rest now,wanderer!

Nightmares-We are your fears,give up!

Summoner-No regrets?

Ellie-No regrets!

With a blinding light,the shadows and nightmares fade.Moving to the next set,they see thugs and gang members armed with weapons releasing beats and blasts of sounds...

Gang Member-You are unworthy to join our group!

Thug-Let's beat 'em!

Ellie-You're messing with the wrong duo!

Summoner-Well said!Let's do this!

With agile slashes,the weapons were disabled and the thugs were defeated.The eight set was near.A couple Neon Soldiers block the path...

Neon Soldier-Halt!This is where you stop!Turn around and leave!

Ellie-We won't stop,we won't give up!Not until we've beaten the Corruption!

The Neon Soldiers are defeated and knocked out.The ninth set welcomed the two with confusion...

Ellie-Huh?Why are there so many cut-outs of our friends?What even is this?

Summoner-What are these even for?

During the two's confusion,the cut-outs move...

Lyte cut-out-...


Summoner-Okay,I don't understand what's going on,guess I'll just roll with it...

They clear the cut-outs easily with slashes and blasts of magic.Reaching the tenth set,they are again greeted by Tiff...

Tiff-You have passed ninety floors,or should I say nine sets.Congratulations,but now you must face the tenth and final set.Follow me...

The three reach the rooftop where Tiff stops.The rooftop is a big arena-sized area...

Tiff-This is where you fight the last set of enemies.Are you ready?

Ellie-Sure!Give us everything you've got!

Tiff-As you wish...

Tiff raises her staff and over a thousand enemies appear around the three...

Ellie-Woah!This is not what I meant!

Tiff-This is the last set.I must now leave you two again.For now,I bid farewell to you...

Tiff disappears and the two are left to fight the army of enemies

Summoner-Are you ready Ellie?

Ellie-I guess...

The two stand their ground.Waves of goblins,bats,cheshire cats,baby dragons,thieves,bandits,shadows,nightmares,thugs,gang members,soldiers,and lifeless clones charge at the two in groups and waves.Wave after wave,enemy after enemy,all are wiped out and only the two remain...

Summoner-[Breathing heavily]All of them are down,what now?

Ellie-[Breathing heavily]Is it over?

At the two's exhaustion,Tiff arrives and congratulates the two...

Tiff-Well done,Summoner.You have passed my trial,you may now move to the next trial,but first,allow me to bless you two and heal your wounds and scars.Bonum Naturae!

After the chant,a strong wind passes through the area.The wind was strong but soothing and refreshing...

Summoner-Woah,I suddenly feel good as new!

Ellie-This wind is strong,but not enough to hurt!It also heals!

Tiff-I must now bid you two farewell,I wish you luck in your next trial,but for now,I must be on my way...

Tiff disappears again and another stairway appears.The two proceed to the next trial...

Summoner-Hey Ellie,I wanna ask you something.

Ellie-Hm?What is it?

Summoner-This journey's getting harder and harder.Do you think we're close to the end of the journey?

Ellie-Now that you've brought that up,I'm starting to think about the same thing.We can't be sure yet...

Summoner-[Sighs]I guess you're right,let's just move forward...

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