Chapter 4:Kingdom Ruled by God

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(After passing through the portal,they find themselves in a town's Alleyway)

Gacha Summoner-Huh,it's a bit dark here,are we on a forest?

Ellie-Nope,but we are in a town close to a kingdom.

Gacha Summoner-Well,anything works right?

???-H-H-H-How did you open a p-p-portal?

Gacha Summoner-Anyone here?

???-Uh,um,yes![In a cheery fashion]My name is Candy Tanuki,and who might you be portal-travelling strangers?

Ellie-(She must be one of the cheery and happy kind)My name is Ellie,and this is the Gacha Summoner.We're here to cleanse this world of it's corruption.

Candy Tanuki-But,Arbiter Keitoku is already here to guide us and lead us to the right.

Ellie-The Corruption isn't something to be easily defeated.

Candy Tanuki-If so,let's just ask Arbiter Keito for assistance.

Gacha Summoner-You know anyone who knows where he is?

Candy Tanuki-Yes,her name's Melnya Kyuzo.She is quite close to Arbiter Keitoku,maybe a bit too close if I recall.Anyway let's-

[Tanuki's words were cut by a sniper's bullet]

Gacha Summoner-Who goes there!?Show yourself!

Candy Tanuki-Aw no,It's her again.

Ellie-Who is she?Is she trying to kill you or something?

Candy Tanuki-Not actually,she just wants some pancakes with syrup.

Gacha Summoner-(Wait,WHAT!?)

Ellie-Ok,but why does she want you to do that?

Candy Tanuki-Well,she does love pancakes,maybe it was because of her friend also had the same craving for pancakes?

Ellie-Ok,Other than that.Why does she want you to make pancakes in the first place?

Candy Tanuki-Actually,as my name implies,I make candy.She may have thought I could also make pancakes out of thin air,just like the candies I make.But the sad thing about it is that she really thinks I can do it and forces me to do it from then to now.

Gacha Summoner-For the meantime,let's go before she fires another bullet.We can talk about her later.

Candy Tanuki-Ok!

???-[Whispering through herself]ou won't get away that easy.

(The three of them run ahead to arrive at the Kingdom's Plaza)

Gacha Summoner-I forgot to ask this but...what's her name?

Candy Tanuki-Riki Kuroi,I think.

(A girl in a white jacket and eyepatch with a sniper rifle walks near the three)

Ellie-I-It's Riki!

Riki Kuroi-You've spilled enough info Tanuki.

Candy Tanuki-Atleast I don't stalk someone for 24 Hours for 7 Days.

Riki Kuroi-Why don't you just give up?

Candy Tanuki-I already told you I can only make candy not pancakes.

Riki Kuroi-Aren't they the same?

Ellie-(Geez,for such a simple problem,this comversation already sounds serious.)

Candy Tanuki-You know what,I'm not even gonna bother explaining.Anyway,we're off to the castle.

Riki Kuroi-I'll follow you.

Candy Tanuki-Fine,but please,don't cause anymore trouble.

Riki Kuroi-Yup!

Gacha Summoner-Well,should we head to the castle now?

Candy Tanuki-Yeah,let's go!

(They arrive at the castle,a female knight with a huge lustering sword seems to have awaited their arrival.)

???-Hey!You two!What is your business here!?

Candy Tanuki-They're with me,Nanoko.Guys,this is Nanoko Shiki,the Holy Knight of this Kingdom.Well Nanoko,we're here because we need to see and speak to Arbiter Keitoku.

Nanoko Shiki-I apologize,but he is not here.He went missing 4 days ago.

Ellie-There's something wrong here.

Gacha Summoner-I know,all of the corrupted people that we've saved in the past always go missing.It's like a pattern.

Nanoko Shiki-He went missing after he was told to investigate a portal.

Ellie-Yup,called it.The portal wouldn't happen to be two dark swords,wouldn't it?

Nanoko Shiki-Yes they were,how did you know?

Gacha Summoner-Let's just say we've been through it a lot of times.

(A girl with cat ears approaches them)

???-[Sobbing]Nya,I miss my master.

Nanoko Shiki-I know Melnya,me too.

Ellie-We'll find him,just tell us where the portal can be found.

Nanoko Shiki-If I'm correct,It's north-east from here.But when it's night time,it has a beam that serves as a beacon.Wouldn't you like to stay here for a while?The Kingdom's army has been tired in fighting the sudden rise of monsters lately,would you care to help?

Gacha Summoner-We'll help in reducing their numbers,after that we'll continue straight for the portal.

Ellie-Let's go!

(They fought tons of monsters from the city,unknown to them that they we're drawing themselves nearer to the portal)

Gacha Summoner-We're here at the portal.

Melnya Kyuzo-Is that where master is?

Ellie-Yes,we'll get him just wait here,ok?

Nanoko Shiki-Be safe!

Gacha Summoner-We will.

(Ellie and The Gacha Summoner enters the portal)

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