Chapter 17:Triad Trials(Part 3)

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After climbing the staircase,the two arrive at a place that somewhat resembles an arena...

Ellie-Woah!This place is huge!

Summoner-I wonder what this place is for...

Ellie-Whatever this arena was for,it sure looks like it was never used!

Summoner-Hold on.[Looks around]You're right!This arena looks like it was never used even once!

Ellie-Do you think we're the first ones to be here?

Summoner-It looks like it...

As the two explore more of the arena,an armored girl with a sword and buckler greets them...

???-So,you two have come this far,impressive.Welcome to my trial,Summoner.I am Claire,Grandmaster of the Arena.

Ellie-Grandmaster?So,you're the strongest one here?

Claire-To answer that,yes.My trial is the last of the three.Mine is also considered to be the hardest,but only a few reach this point with their energy at a stable rate nor have any at all...

Summoner-So,what's your trial all about?

Claire-To pass my trial,you need to go through the ranks of my arena by defeating other Summoners...

Summoner-There are other Summoners other than me?Ellie,do you know anything about this!?

Ellie-Hold on,seriously!?I didn't even know there were Summoners other than you!

Claire-She speaks true,Summoner.The other ones I speak of are Summoners who have fallen in battle,those from other realities,and those who have seen the Corruption as an ally...

Ellie-Woah!Those are some pretty dark Summoners!

Claire-Indeed,but to pass my trial,you have to fight against these Summoners.Do you still wish to fight,or would you accept cowardice as an option?

Summoner-We don't have a choice,I'm in!I'm ready to fight!

Claire-Very well,here are the rules.There are a total of six ranks.There's the Bronze,Silver,Gold,Platinum,Diamond,and Rainbow.In each rank,there's a rise in difficulty and new rules will be applied,so be aware of that.The basic rules are that you can Summon your units to attack the enemy,you can also attack with your weapon,you will be healed after every match so don't worry about being tired after every match.That's it,now let's move on to the fighting!

Ellie-Can I go help my Summoner?

Claire-Sadly,no.Your Summoner must fight each and every rank only with his Summons.You may witness the fight from a safe distance,if you wish...


Summoner-Don't worry,I got this!

Claire-If you are ready to face an enemy Summoner,just find me in the arena's lobby.For now,I'll see you later...

Claire leaves the Summoner and Ellie...

Ellie-Are you sure you can do this alone?

Summoner-I'm sure,just watch me!


After a few minutes the Summoner approaches Claire to start the trial...

Summoner-I'm ready!

Claire-Then you may now begin.Please enter the arena to begin the battle.

The Summoner enters the arena,Ellie is seated to watch the upcoming battle.She mumbles to herself...

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