Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Demi Lovato

A/N: This is my first Demi Lovato fanfic and I hope you like it. :) Bear with me. The drama and the tension will build up but there will be fluffy scenes.

**Warning: Some triggering content, moderate to strong language, little to moderate violence, some adult themes, and (maybe) some sexual content.**

Rated High Teen to Moderate Adult. [Rated R] You have been warned.

[ONLY] Declaimer: I own NOTHING but the idea and effort. ENJOY!


Chapter 1

Alexis's POV:

Rain pours overhead as I hurry to my apartment. My boots smack against the flooded sidewalk, my keys rattling in my pocket. It seems to get harder as my body soon reacts negatively. Even with the loud noise of falling water, I could somehow hear my teeth chattering.

Rushing inside the building, I shuffle my feet on the welcome mat, water spraying off me. There is a small chuckle from the other side of the lobby. I look up, my mouth twisted in a scowl. "This isn't very amusing, Luke. I'm freezing my ass off while you're relaxing in warmth like a lazy oaf." His chuckles convert to booming laughter. He slouches over, holding his midriff, his body jolting quickly.

I shake my head in disappointment. Even though I clearly care about my doorman, he could seriously annoy the hell out of me sometimes. "I'm sorry, Alexis," he apologizes, trying to regulate his breathing but failing due to his breathy wheezes. "It's just--" He looks me over, grinning. "You look like you a pissed cat drowned in ice cold water." That makes the ends of my mouth quirk. "Your facial expression was priceless."

My lips press against each other tightly as I rearrange the strap on my shoulder. "Well, laugh about it another time. I'm not in the best mood right now." He stares at me then goes back to playing poker games on his computer. His outfit is wrinkled, the blazer owning spots of food on the front. His hair is barely combed, sticking out at the ends. "Luke, get a new suit," I mumble while passing him--my shoes squeaking--as I enter the elevator. The doorman snorts and waves me off, winning his game with three queens. The computer's light reflects off his dark blue eyes.

Rolling my eyes, the elevator doors close and they take me to my dorm on the eleventh floor. I examine myself, a low groan escaping me. My leather jacket is slick and sticky, the salt water ruining the fabric. I look like a moping goth, I realize. Frowning, the doors open and I walk down the hall, the heels of my drenched boots clicking.

I open the door to my apartment, which was down the hall, and I immediately throw my stuff on the ground, collapsing on the couch. A relieved sigh escapes me in a windy puff as I rub my damp temple. Today was a rough day for me.

The darkness of the room helps with my forming headache as I stare into nothingness. My breathing straightens as I peel off my jacket, leaving it on the sofa. The faint smell of vanilla entrances my nose as I finally take in my surroundings. A lazy smile is etched on my face as my muscles relax. My eyelids droop as I curl up on the couch. A yawn manages to pass my slightly parted lips. At last, my eyes close and I fall into a dreamless sleep.


Puttin' my defenses up

'Cause I don't wanna fall in love

If I ever did that

I think I'd have a heart attack

I think I'd have a heart attack

I think I'd have a heart attack

Never break a sweat for the other guys

When you come around, I get paralyzed

Fighting For You (A Demi Lovato Fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now