Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Alexis's POV

"Alexis!" a voice screams before something tackles me to the ground, a chip bag still in my hands. The wind is knocked out of my lungs, my eyes wide, and I soon find myself on the ground. The technical people around me give us bewildered looks but soon ignore us as they realize who the intruder is. Crazed eyes stare deeply into mine as she kisses me.

My eyes flutter close as I kiss her back. "Demi?" I ask, pulling away. "What's up? Never expected to see you this happy to see me," I tease, pushing a silky strand of pink hair behind her ear.

She grins, pecking my cheek before sitting up in my lap. The singer crosses her arms over her chest. "You're such an ass, Alexis Carter," she states, narrowing her eyes at me. I grin, feeling the paint on my face start to peel.

I sit up, my hands settling at her waist. I nuzzle my nose into the crook of her neck, enjoying how she tenses. "What gave it away?" I breathe.

Demi frowns, shifting on me. "You said you'd be there backstage. My girlfriend never told me that she'd be in the crowd with my crazy but amazing Lovatics." She sounds upset but I could understand why. Concerts with big pop stars like her can get a little messy.

Sighing, I lick my lips, gazing into her eyes. "I'd be okay, you know. Max allowed it. Besides, I wanted to see you in action." My lips stretch into a sly grin. "You just called me crazy and amazing."

She opens her mouth to say something but nothing comes out. Instead she pouts. "You're so annoying." I smirk, sliding my hands lower, softly grabbing the back of her thighs.

I lean in more, loving her natural scent. "Well now you're going to think I'm aggravating," I tell her, shakily rising to my feet, still holding onto her legs. She yelps, quickly wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing herself to me. I chuckle in her ear, never letting go. Surprisingly, she was light as a feather.

"Alex!" she hisses, trying to recompose herself. Demi holds her forehead against mine as she screws her eyes shut. "Can you please put me down?"

A frown fights my easy-going smile as I walk over to an empty table. Her thighs squeeze harshly upon my hips, nearly crushing my pelvis. "Dem, relax. I got you." I always got you. She nods, opening her eyes halfway. And to be quite frank, she looked incredible sexy like that. Her pink hair was ruffled and she was flush against me, looking at me like that. Like she wanted to devour me. I swallow thickly, setting her on the table. "You can let go now," I assure, bowing my head.

Her arms unravel from my neck and she leans back on the table, letting out a long breath. "Thank you." She fiddles with her pink bangs, trying to fix them.

A half smile crosses my face as I do it for her. She returns the smile. "You were amazing out there, Dem. Everyone in that arena loved you. There wasn't a single fan who wasn't screaming for you." Her Lovatics really care for her. Hell, I care for her. She's just too precious to be left without love and encouragement.

The singer grins, placing her hands on my shoulder, squeezing them. "Did you enjoy yourself?" There was a mischievous twinkle in her caramel eyes, making my chest bloat with crazed emotions.

"Seeing my hot girlfriend sing and dance sexily on stage? Yes, I think I enjoyed myself. Maybe too much." We grin at each other, interrupted by Max.

He smiles warmly at us. "You two are crazily in love," he states simply before going back to his closed off demeanor. "Demi, we have to take you to the hotel room now. Then we have to get ready to go to the next concert in the States." Ooh. Back to the great United States. That'd be interesting.

Fighting For You (A Demi Lovato Fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now