Chapter 6

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 Chapter 6

Alexis's POV 

Maybe Lucy was right. Maybe the possibilities were nearly impossible. I lose myself to my dreams too much, yanking me away from reality, turning me naive.

It's been months since Demi Lovato came to my apartment and left. The X Factor was over and she was preparing for her Neon Lights Tour. She even dyed her hair, making her different from when I last saw her. Christmas came and passed, leaving me with despair. Would I reunite with my Demi? No. Is it likely that she would come to visit me? No. Do I still love her? Yes and it hurt. I keep thinking about her and it's been driving me insane.

My eyes are stuck on the TV screen as I watch reruns of The X Factor. With every laugh and smile, it killed me inside. Lucy kept trying to pull me from this endless void of depression but it was no use. It was a miracle if I even smiled anymore. I became the shell of the woman I once was. Lucy covered my shifts, still giving me the money that rightfully belonged to me. I had to accept or she'd kick my ass for sure. 

Even Luke, my doorman, is worried of my behavior. I wouldn't blame him. It's a miracle I haven't done anything too irrational. I just sit here and mope. It's now my daily routine. 

I blink, the bright lights making my eyes ache from the unrest. Sighing, I reach over and take a large gulp of beer. Lucy was strongly against it but I usually drank some when she wasn't around. I never drank much because of the previous accident. It was a bottle per week. Not too drastic but still wrong since I was recovering. 

A strong smell radiates off my breath, marking it foul. I make a face, reaching over for my coffee mug. I gulp down some of the black liquid, sputtering some of it out. Ugh. Coffee and alcohol? No go. It was absolutely rancid but I kept drinking it. 


Looking at my phone, I saw a message flashing on the screen. It brought a small smile to my lips even though I was going to decline the offer.

Lucy Fisher: Do you want to go to the mall or something? Luke promised to pay for half of it.  

I text a 'no thanks' and turn my phone off, slouching back into the couch. It was three in the afternoon and it was her day off. Of course she'd ask for my presence but as usual, I never agreed. I smack my tongue against the roof of my mouth, disliking the flavor the beer and the coffee left. It was bitter and bland yet sour feeling. 

Getting up from the worn out sofa, I head to the bathroom where I brush my teeth. The mint essence is weird on my tongue but it clears up the musk from before. I gargle some water before spitting it out, wiping my mouth on one of the towels. At that same moment, the doorbell rings, making me jump. "What the?" Who would knock at this time? Or in fact at all? I never seeked company in the past few weeks. 

I jog to the door, fixing my hair just in case it was someone important...such as Demi. Although, I'd probably yell at her first but you know, kissing has its own reward. Curling my hand over the doorknob, I pull it open and gape at the person in shock. She smirks at me.

No... It couldn't be... We... No... She couldn't...

"Well hello there, Alexis," the light brunette grins, her pale green eyes meeting my darker ones. She was leaning against the door frame, her attire similar to the ones she wore years ago. A tight, revealing black blouse with faded blue skinny jeans, and black flats. Even though I didn't want to admit it to myself, she was hot. Very hot. "I bet you weren't expecting any visitors." She strides in, entering my territory. 

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I hold back a snarl. "No. In fact, I wasn't expecting people until probably the end of the year but you just waltzed in so I guess that's changed." The signature smirk remains on her face. It infuriates me but keeps me at bay from attacking. I sigh tiredly. "What the hell are you doing here, Jhoanna?"

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