Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Alexis's POV

My thoughts whirl back to Demi, who was sitting across from me. Her beautiful brown eyes flash in my mind, her radiant smile burned to memory. Everything about her was just...perfect. Just sitting across from her made me feel adrenaline course through my veins. It was a thrill with her in my life.

"Uh, Alexis?" I blink, my train of thought crashing. My eyes rise, meeting hers. Demi's dark eyes are full of compassion, confusing me. Why would she look at me like that? "You were staring at me for a while. Do I have something on my face?" she asks suddenly, reaching for a napkin.

I extend my hand, reassuring her. "NO! It's okay. I just...dozed off into la-la-land." My words marge together, making me cringe. "That pun was definitely not intended!" I didn't want to remind Demi of her difficult past. It wouldn't be fair to her.

Her brown eyes soften, her gaze flittering downward. "You know it doesn't bother me," she murmurs, reading my mind. "I got past all of that. My future is brighter and...I absolutely love it." Demi smiles, glancing at me. I swallow thickly, nodding. My lips were sealed, welt shut. "What about you? How was your past, if you don't mind me asking?"

My body goes rigid, the blood draining from of my face. The room temperature plummets, intense shudders traveling down my spine. My twitching fingers tighten into shaking fists. The rockstar notices my immediate discomfort. Her dark eyes widen. "I'd rather not talk about it," I grumble, getting up and leaving my dish in the sink. My footsteps sound like stomps in the silent apartment. I turn to face the blue haired popstar. An apology was written all over her face. I shake my head, lifting her empty plate and placing it on top of the other. "It's okay. I'm getting over it too," I reassure, my voice rough.

Demi frowns, sadness drowning in her eyes. Her lips are pressed together, words trapped in her mouth. She walks over to me, lightly gripping my forearm. "I'm sorry. From the deepest part of my heart and soul." Her eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips, then back to my line of vision. My heart pounds harder in my chest, limiting my breathing. "How could such a beautiful girl have such a tragic history?" Her warm hand is cupping my cheek as she gazes into my green eyes.

A wary smile reaches my mouth. "A single smile can conceal many emotions." In contrast of her lively eyes, mine were tired. I lean into her touch, loving the feeling. My eyes flutter shut, my hand placing itself on Demi's. "But the eyes can reveal many emotions." Our own eyes were locked upon each other's, neither of us daring to look away. For a split second, the air around is suffocating as my green orbs flash down to her lips. My stomach knots up, my skin erupting in goose bumps. My brain was screaming, TOO CLOSE. TOO CLOSE. Taking a deep breath, I step back, watching Demi's hand fall weakly to her side. "But we can chose to ignore them."

I turn away, pushing back a lock of black hair behind my ear. Her intense brown eyes are burned in my mind, refusing to vanish. She was right there. It was like I was living my greatest dream was never meant to be. I just can't handle all of this at once. I mean--was I ever supposed to stumble my way in her life? Was it the universe's new cruel joke? I mean, come on! It's Demi Lovato for damn's sake. This couldn't be a coincidence.

"Alexis?" a small voice murmurs from behind me. My head cocks to the side, nodding a response. "I told my agent that I was staying here over night and I was just wanted to make sure if that was okay with you." My heart stops, my eyes bulging. The blood in my head just freezes, my brain screeching to a halt.

"Y-you're staying h-here? With me?" I stutter out, grimacing at the squeak in my voice. No, you can't be serious. I can hear my racing pulse. She must be--

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