Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Alexis's POV 

Demi's pink hair tickles my nose as I peck her forehead. She giggles, leaning into me for another kiss. An airy chuckle passes through my mouth as she burrows her head into my neck. The urge to laugh was demanding but I somehow held it in. She looks up at me, her chin resting on my shoulder. I grin, my eyes crinkling in amusement. "Hey, there," I murmur, my fingers gluing themselves onto her waist. 

The ends of her lips curve up into a wide smile, her chocolate brown eyes twinkling under the shop lights. "Hey," she replies. Her eyebrow quirks up. "Since when were you the cuddly romantic?" she inquires curiously. 

The held in laughter explodes out of me as I release Demi. My shoulders bounce in laughter, my body shaking. "Oh God, no," I manage through the fit of giggles. "I was never a romantic to begin with but I guess you bring it out in me," I confess, smiling crookedly at her. She blushes, the color almost matching her hair. My heart flutters at the sight, my fingers wanting to pinch her cheeks. The idea makes me snicker. It was ironic because I know that Demi once had the same thought. "You're so cute," I muse, gazing dreamily into her eyes. 

I can't believe that she feels the same way. I mean--she's Demi Lovato for crying out loud. Every Lovatic would kill for my position. Too bad I'll fight for her until my demise. 

She clears her throat, averting her eyes. "I--thank you. I've heard the phrase a lot but yours really means something." The popstar smiles shyly. Jesus Christ, how adorable can she get? Demi pushes a strand of pink hair back, moistening her lips. A devious plan brews in my head, making me grin. Hastily, I lean down and kiss her cheek, lingering close to her lips. The results were conclusive: her blush darkening. 

Demi turns to me, mischief blazing in her dark orbs. Those pink lips twisting into a cunning smirk. "Don't think you'll get away with that Casanova," she threatens, scooting closer to me. My primary instinct was to run and hide but I had to be intimidating. Turns out that instincts triumph strategy because I soon find myself sprinting away from her. She is hot on my trail as we duck tables and go around chairs. "Get your ass over here!" My combat boots stomp on the tiles as I search for a way out. My foot almost catches as I bolt to the front desk.

I scurry behind the cashier. I could hear the blood roaring in my ears, my chest heaving from the vigorous running. Man, Demi can really be vengeful when she wants to. Losing myself in my thoughts, I miss the quick flash of pink hair as Demi tackles me to the ground. "Aha!" she cries victoriously as our bodies crash together. My hand nearly reaches out to grab the cashier but I miss, ending up on my back, Demi on top of me. The air is knocked out of my lungs as I will the pain to leave my throbbing head. I blink, the only thing visible was her hair. 

I quickly forget my body's surge of pain when I acknowledge our position. Soon enough, my face was flushed. Her leg was between mine, her hands on either sides next to my neck. My hands were gripping her waist, our bodies pressed together. She takes in a deep breath, raising her head. Our eyes are the first to meet, the orbs bright. "I-I-I'm so sorry!" she apologizes, trying to get off me. 

For some strange reason, I keep her on me, my hold on her firm. "No," I exhale, blinking slowly. "It's okay." I examine her face, appreciating every detail up close, my chest constricting. Demi then goes rigid as our eyes encounter each other yet again. Her hands flatten on the tiles, our foreheads brushing together, The tension is so thick, I was suffocating in it. My heart was beating erratically, my fingers trembling. My eyelids flutter shut. 

Gradually, our faces come closer, our lips joining. Explosions of pleasure burst inside me, warming my body with heat. The first kiss was slow and lazy, but the passion was still there. She tastes like strawberry lip balm and like Naya said, talent. Something gnaws at my belly when we part. My hands are frozen at her sides, her hands bruising the ground. Her eyes are still closed when I open mine. I bite my lip at the sudden need to kiss her again. "That was..." she starts, not really finishing the statement.

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