Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Demi's POV

Her hands are at my waist as I smile lovingly at her. I can't believe she's been through all of that. I bite my lip nervously. All I wanted to do was ravish her body, make her feel needed in this world. Engulfing her in my love. But I knew I couldn't.

Not yet anyways.

We had to spend some time together and bond, you know? The relationship shouldn't be all physical or about desire. We would have to understand each other well and get used to each other.

I glance down at her hands, an idea surging into my mind. Covering her hands with mine, I lean forward, my mouth aligned with her ear. "C-can I see your wrists?" I murmur hesitantly, my fingers trembling on hers. She stiffens, breathing in sharply. She slants toward me, our bodies pressed together. My teeth are digging into my lip when I could faintly make out her ragged breathing.

"I-uh, ca--" she sighs. "Let's go to my apartment. This is a, er, difficult topic to discuss. I don't want to speak about it openly, here." Her green eyes flash uncertainly, her gestures tentative and shy. Her dark brows are scrunched up together, showing her anxiety. Aww, my poor baby.

All I wanted to do was kiss her desperation away. I nod, threading our fingers together. "Okay. Whatever makes you comfortable." Gratitude enters her eyes, making her suppress a smile. Taking advantage of the moment, I press my lips on her cheek, lingering close to her mouth. Her eyes flutter shut, relishing the kiss. "I'll always be here," I murmur, squeezing her hand.

She nods, nudging her forehead to mine. "I just wish that I could take back everything I did and get help, but I didn't. That's where I screwed up." A big puff of air escapes her as Alexis rises to her feet and leads me to the door. "Hey, Lucy! I'm taking Demi to my apartment for We need to straighten things out."

"All right! Don't kill each other!" she yells back. The dark haired girl rolls her eyes and pulls the door open, the slightly humid air pouring on our skin. The dim sunlight hits our skin, making her paler arms shine. It gave it a healthy, tan-ish glow. I inhale deeply, enjoying the fading coffee smell.

Cars whiz past, startling me when they passed us. Alexis takes my hand and leads me across the street, her eyes narrowing at anyone whose stare lingered too long. "We have to hurry," she whispers to me, her warm breath tickling my neck. A shiver runs down my spine. "Come on. I don't want the paps around." She takes me to an alley, using her body as my shield, her movements swift and agile.

No one hostile was encountered and we easily slipped into Alexis's apartment building. We scurried up the stairs, the halls vacant. She opens her door, allowing me to enter first. The dorm was refreshing and clean. I take a deep breath, my shoulders slumping. My brain was pounding from all the information on Alexis's past. I turn around with a smile on my face. "Hey Al--"

I'm silenced by her mouth on mine. She clutches my shirt, her trembling hands balling it. The kiss was hot and desperate, something that I've never felt in a kiss. My eyes flutter shut as I lose myself in her touches and her essence. The air was suffocating, wrapping around my throat, choking me. It dulled my senses, making me feel numb.

The raven haired girl pushes me back, the back of my knees hitting the couch. I slide my hands up into her locks, curling my fingers in them. She groans at the action, the sound making me anxious for more.

Kissing her was like getting high and buzzed, leaving you lightheaded and wanting more. Trapped in my thoughts, I pull away, gasping for oxygen. My mind is spinning, everything disoriented. Our foreheads are brushing together, our bangs merging together. Pink and black. She's panting, catching her breath. "I missed you so much," she wheezes, her hands still on my waist. Her eyes are half lidded, the green orbs a dark evergreen.

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