Chapter 2

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Daddy has been missing for awhile now, it worried (Y/N) and I both. "Cammy when will he come back?"

I shook my head and smiled reassuringly then glanced a Vivi while she shrugged  "I'm gonna look for him okay?"

Vivi shook her head and got up then smiled and held my hand "I'll help you...(Y/N) and Elise will be fine."

"I know they'll be fine, Will they be safe is my question!" Vivi sighed and shrugged then helped me up.

As we got ready Elise and (Y/N) seemed to notice but they didn't say anything, I'd hate to leave my sweet (Y/N) and not come back. I grabbed my gun and knifu just in case (I gots a knifu to end a lifu XD Kubz scouts is THAT DUDE!) Someone tries to hurt Vivi, We walked out of the house and drove to the animation studio.

After a long drive we stopped and   walked in and looked around, this poor place was abandoned "Father...why didn't you just take care of them or at least shut the Ink machine down and try helping the characters? Looks like I'll have to finish the job!"

Vivi nodded and followed behind me, I picked up a flashlight and turned it on then looked for the characters and Ink machine. I turned left and saw "Bendy!? Oh my gosh what the heck!"

Vivi glared at him a bit and kept me close she whispered softly in my ear "Something's not right, Look at his smile...he usually would just upright talk right?"

She had a point..I kept staring at Bendy not blinking one bit and my eyes widen 'What if he killed Father....we're next!' I quickly grabbed Vivi and ran ahead "What's wrong!?"

I didn't answer Vivi and turned a corner only to fall down a hole, I held Vivi close and landed perfectly on my feet. I looked around then walked ahead, I had to get back up there, The ink machine isn't down here obviously. But why!? Why would they do that!? "Cammy~ I know you're here~ come on! Don't hide from me! Don't you wanna see your dad"

I growled and saw some stairs then I turned only to see Bendy grinning wider than usual and there was Ink all on the left side of his face, he was carrying an Ax too. Fear crept all over me until I heard Vivi scream, I snap my head to her and saw Boris carrying her away!! I jumped and slashed my knife on Boris then sprayed my water gun on him, what!? You thought an ordinary gun was gonna stop INK!? HELL NO! (Excuse her freaking language) I grinned as Boris dropped her and screamed then I stabbed his Ink heart and kicked him to the side. Bendy growls lowly and swings his ax at me but I quickly dodged and grabbed Vivi's hand then ran upstairs "YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS!!!"

"I already did you Monster!!!" "Cammy...Cammy look!" Vivi pointed ahead and there laid my Father all bloodied up with Ink in his eyes, I dropped both my gun and knife then teared up

"F-Father!?" I fell to my knees and cried softly then glanced back at Vivi "Run...Its me he's after not you."

Vivi wanted to argue but a huge scraping noise was coming from afar, I got up and hugged Vivi then kissed her head and pushed her out the door "Take care of (Y/N) for me please!"

"CAMMY!" I smiled a teary eyed smiled then closed my eyes.

"Any last words before you die!?" I chuckled quietly and sighed "Mother..Father..I'm finally joining you at me take care of my sweet beautiful (Y/N).."

I noticed Bendy's hesitation when he tried swinging the ax, I smirked and opened my eyes "Why do you hesitate? Is it because you know that my sister cares for you or is it because you killed someone who she cares deeply for and I'm guessing you'll kill her next hm~?"

Bendy: POV
I sneered at her words and swung the ax finishing the job. But..why!? Why did she smile!? Why did she have to make me hesitate and feel guilt rush over me!? I looked down and clutched my fists then dragged her body to the other room with her Father...I stared at them both and suddenly felt tears rush down my face and cheeks "Why am I crying!? She killed Boris and stabbed my mask...I shouldn't feel bad...Yea! She's just a worthless the big sister of... (Y/N) (L/N)..."

More tear rushed down my face and I sobbed quietly falling to my knees, I loved (Y/N) she'll hate me because I let that Vivi escape!! I sobbed and cried myself to sleep. "I'm sorry..."

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