who's laughing now~

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Nervousness ran all over your body, You felt so uncomfortable. Having to sing in front of the WHOLE WORLD!!! That's frightening...very very frightening! Boris was rubbing your back while Bendy was cooking Dinner. Elise came in and noticed your fidgeting form and sighed softly "Hey (Y/N)...I'm coming with you tomorrow okay?"

"Wh-What about your job?" Elise chuckles and shakes her head "I'm off tomorrow silly!"

You face palmed remembering she told you that a while back, Boris hugged Elise and nuzzles her neck while his tail wagged. You smiled then started thinking about how you felt watched...

Curious you glanced outside and blocked everything out, you looked closer then saw something shift "GOTCHA!!"

You ran outside then the figure ran away, you followed them until they were out of sight. "(Y/N)!!!"

Bendy calls for you and you walk back then hug him close "I'm sorry sweetie...Someone was watching us...could it be-"

He shook his head and nuzzles you "No...He can't and he shouldn't be alive...it probably was someone else!"

You rubbed his head and smiled softly, Boris and Elise started fan girling at the  both of you. "Boris No!!!"

Boris grins and his tail wagged more, Elise hugs you and whispers "Name your kids after me~"

Both of you blushed then rolled your eyes and huffed until Bendy yawned and did grabby hands at you. "Bendy...I'm not picking you up-"

You stopped once you saw his puppy eyes and Elise gasped "(N/N) DON'T IT'S A TRAP!!!"

"To late!" You had Bendy snuggled in your arms nuzzling your neck, you pecked his cheek then walked to your room.

Elise: POV
I giggled at the two lovers then I leaned on Boris "Sleepy?"

Boris picks me up and smiles softly as I snuggled to him not caring if Ink got on me. I rubbed the cut on his chest and frowned, he seemed to notice and laid me down on my bed. I didn't even notice we were in my room "Elise....You don't have to worry about losing me okay?"

He caresses my cheek lovingly as tears rose in my eyes, he closes the gap between us and kisses me. I melted in the kiss and wrapped my arms around him, once we pulled back he hugs me close "I love you!"

We both say at the same time and laugh a little. He rubs my head and I purr quietly making him chuckle "You're like a kitten Elise. You'd always do that around Vivi...what happened to her?"

I stayed quiet and Nuzzled to his chest "...He didn't mean to...But...I miss her sometimes.."

He stays silent and sighs "I..I'm sorry..I should've known he would...But don't worry...you have us along with Vivi and Cammy!"

I nod and giggle then yawn once again and cuddle Boris to sleep.

Morning ahh what a beautiful thing to see! The birds were singing the flowers were blooming Bendy was licking my face- Wait....Bendy is licking my face!? I opened my eyes to feel another wet sensation on my neck! I booped Bendy's nose and get up "You're finally awake!!"

Bendy nudges me off the bed and walks me to my clothes in the bathroom


Whatever outfit you like) I smiled and kissed his "thanks Bendy cutie!"

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Whatever outfit you like) I smiled and kissed his "thanks Bendy cutie!"

Bendy blushed and wrapped his tail around my waist "No problem my sweet (Y/N)"

"Y'all just gonna stand there and waste time or are you both gonna get ready. CHOOSE ONE and I'll probably knock you out!"

I giggled while Bendy snickered at Elise's threat, I walk inside and changed clothes then walked out and saw Boris and Elise waiting by the door. Elise looked so cute in her outfit and Boris was wearing a suit while Bendy was wearing his tuxedo. "Ready?"

"Yepie yep!!" Everyone walked to the car then drove off!

Bendy was asleep and Boris was too, the two of them were snuggled together never to separate. You giggled at the two brother like cartoons and looked ahead "So what was up yesterday? Something about feeling watched?"

You nod and sighed "It felt so weird...I felt eyes and then I saw a Shadow shift in the bushes...and..."

Elise sighs and shakes her head "...You and and Bendy talked about it didn't you? Boris and I were very confused at first but we had no choice but to move on....Sorry if you don't like this touchy subject.."

She sighs and stops the car once you all make it to the singing studio.( I don't know what chu call it but please let me know in the comments then smack me for being a retard kk?) "Ready?"

A moment of silence hits the two girls then you speak softly with a sigh "as I'll ever be....."

Alright so who was this character!? You guys can think about the gender and stuff while I author chan act like a retard and move on like its a brand new day XD (sees Bendy and picks him up) How's my whittle baby?
Bendy: (nuzzles my cheek)
Awww Bai bai!! And I wanna ask real quick

How am I doing on this book? I mean the coolest author I've met here (
http://my.w.tt/UiNb/xqGF2pZ2eC) is making a amazing story! Go check them out! Also thank chu for saying I was a good author! And yea....o3o I'm so awkward XD anyhow bye guys see you next chapter!

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