Chapter 15

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Goldie hugged you tightly as you drove to the animation studio. Bendy was still thinking of who the "Funny man" was and you suddenly got an idea "Bendy. Who was that man who wouldn't stop calling you his savior?"

Bendy shivered and Boris snickered "You mean Sammy!?"

Elise stayed silent and looked away at the mention of his name then suddenly you all stopped. "What was that!? What happened!?"

"The car is down...Dang it!" All five of you got out and walked to the studio.

"Wasn't Sammy the one who would always have that mysterious yet handsome voice, making all the girls swoon at him?" Bendy gagged and you cringed.

Ein: POV

"So...Can I at least try to see me sister or go back?" Mickey nods and Oswald nods also.

"All ya have ta do is just sing,Along with dancing. Sing something that Your sister knows!"

I sighed and crossed my arms then I gently grabbed my little bracelet she made me ".....Look into my eyes, now you're getting sleepy~
Are you hypnotized by secrets that you're keeping~?
I know what you're keeping!
I know what you're keeping!"

Slowly I danced and sang softly hoping not to frighten anyone, nor cause attention. "Got a secret
Can you keep it~?
Swear this one you'll save!
Better lock it in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave~
If I show you then I know you won't tell what I said
'Cause two can keep a secret if one of them is dead~'"

A memory popped up in my head of Joey and Sammy.

-- (waring please be advised)
Two little girls-no four little girls ran down the hallway,The two eldest held their youngest siblings while holding each other's hands.

Suddenly the stopped seeing a beautiful woman with black hair and beautiful red and (E/C) orbs, gently she grabbed the children's tiny hands then ran ahead. They stooped argue exit but the woman walked towards Bendy, she got on one knee and gave him her bracelet "Keep this safe and please, please on everything I love and cherish...Take care of my babies...please."

Bendy wanted to help but alas- for he was only a child as well,Naive and innocent minded. The woman sighed then walked towards the children an kissed their heads "Momma, where are you going?"

Tears slowly left her cheeks and the little (H/C) toddler rubbed her tears away making the mother smile,She backed up then gently nudged the kids outside and waited for Joey and Sammy to come.

"WHERE ARE THOSE BRATS!?" Joey pins her and growls,She only spat in his face only to get slapped.

Slowly the woman sat up then sat down "Why should I tell you sickos? People like you don't deserve such information nor something as amazing as this...You both are nothing but disgraces to human kind. Killing your wife then trying to kill 4 innocent children..."

The woman scoffed and went on "And now you want to please the gods!? Don't make me laugh!"

Sammy had enough along with Joey, Sammy grabbed her by the throat then Joey stabbed her brutally in the chest.

Bendy flinched the got ready to run off- only to be grabbed by the tail by Joey. Sammy smirked and lifted Bendy's chin "Milord. You should be downstairs~ not up hear snooping around~"

Later that day, Joey got rid of The children's mother in a puddle of ink then threw Bendy downstairs. "Rest now milord~"

Elise: POV
I clutched my glove gently and hugged Boris as we walked towards the studio. Apparently Goldie got a message from Ein and explained she'll be here soon.

She better be! Otherwise I'm leaving...I don't wanna be here as much as Bendy and Boris, Memories would haunt me here.

Boris rubbed my head and smiled softly, I smiled back and sighed then shivered as the same words repeated in my head from my nightmare yesterday "He will set us free ~"

When it said you cringed... I WOULD TO! THE DUDE SAID "I said...can i get an amen~" WHO SAYS THAT!?
That's so creepy! It freaks me out! Like dang if he whispered that in my ear. I'd probably blush or gag. XD any who Thank chu and Goodbye!!!!

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