Chapter 13

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In the animation studio, screams of pain and agony erupted the entire place and ink splattered to the walls along with blood. Ein held Goldie close and shook in fear "W-We did as you asked J-Joey! Please spare Goldie! She didn't do anything!!"

Joey watched as the Goldie shook and cried in Win's arms, he sneered and grinned then raised his ax. "This will only strengthen you both more~ don't worry I'll be very very gently~!"

Goldie shook her head, this was worse than all the other punishments he gave when they met him. Ein hugged Goldie close and they both closed their eyes....but the pain never came, Joey started cackling and grins "You both are idiots! Nothing but tools who'd never understand true happiness! I can't wait to show you both to Bendy and Boris"

Joey walks away, the girls sat there sniffling and crying. Ever since you sang that song they've been questioning Joey and asking what happiness is. He knew it was your doing and punished them!

The fist few times he abused them was when they were neutral they couldn't feel anything... But now...Ein kissed Goldie's head and shushed her every time she whimpered or hiccupped.

Slowly Ein dissolved into ink then went to their secret room where Bendy used to go to, Goldie looked around and tighten her grip on Ein. "Th-This new feeling...what do you call it...?"

Ein sighed and shrugged "I believe...its called fear....You've felt it at times but never understood why...."

She was right, both of them never understood these feelings and Joey didn't want that he just wanted to use them until he doesn't need them and probably kill them both-no questions asked.

Goldie suddenly started crying again and Ein shushed and cradled her but nothing calmed the poor child. Tears suddenly rose in the teen's eyes, she cried softly and hugged Goldie close "I'm sorry...A child like you doesn't deserve to deal with something so.....traumatizing"

Bendy snapped his eyes open and got up from bed, he looked at his hand. He noticed ink on them "Bendy...?"

He glances at you as you open your eyes, Bendy smiles as your (E/C) orbs sparkle and he hugs you close while nuzzling to your chest. After you went back to sleep, he slithered away and walked outside. He dissolves into Ink and heads to the animation studio!

"I know they're in there...I felt something...but what!?" Bendy snuck inside then moved around and snooped a bit, he went to the ink machine an saw

"Joey..." Bendy growls at his traitor's sleeping figure then left him and went his secret room. Only to see Ein and Goldie asleep!? He gently touched them and saw their scars.

"What has he done to you..." Ein quickly snaps awake and gets up while holding Goldie close.

But once she saw Bendy she smiled "B-Big brother...You...returned?"

He shakes his head "I'm getting you both out of here...You don't deserve this..."

Ein stayed silent and looked away, she knew he was right. But someone had to stay behind...Ein sighed then gave Goldie to Bendy "Come on! He'd hurt you again..."

Bendy grabbed her hand then ran out and ran to the door until Joey woke up "EIN! GOLDIE IF I FIND YOU BOTH TRYING TO ESCAPE YOU'RE BOTH AS GOOD AS DEAD!"

Ein frowned then glanced at Bendy and opened the door then shoved him out and slammed it closed. "EIN NO!"

He banged on the door but stopped and ran ahead, Goldie hugged him close as tears left her eyes. Her eyes glowed yellow then turned black...."Ein..."

Bendy looked down at her as she started losing her color. He then looked back realizing what was wrong...Ein has finally met her match..

Ein: POV
I coughed up blood and glared then summoned my guns and shot at Joey "HOW DARE YOU!!"

This wasn't Joey...this was a mad man! I stared dully as the last of my color drained and grinned. Then I started singing " They see you as small and helpless;
They see you as just a child
Surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild
Prepare for your greatest moments;
Prepare for your finest hour!"

I dodged another attack from him and sang more " The dream that you've always dreamed is suddenly about to flower
We are lightning
Straying from the thunder
Miracles of ancient wonder!"

Joey growled and wrapped ink around me, I growled and squirmed then sang louder " This will be the day we've waited for
This will be the day we open up the door
I don't wanna hear your absolution;
Hope you're ready for a revolution
Welcome to a world of new solutions
Welcome to a world of bloody evolution
In time, your heart will open minds
A story will be told
And victory is in a simple soul!!!"

He threw me to the wall and wrapped ink around my throat I winced and sang softly " Your world needs a great defender
Your world's in the way of harm
You want a romantic life; a fairytale that's full of charm
Beware that the light is fading;
Beware if the dark returns!"

I chuckled as I felt a sharp pain on my side, everything started fading slowly but the song still rang in my head I sang once more " This world's unforgiving, even brilliant lights will cease to burn
Legends scatter
Day and night will sever
Hope and peace are lost forever"

" This will be the day we've waited for
We are lightning
Welcome to a world of new solutions!"

Joey yelled and pulled me close "SHUT THE HELL UP AND JUST DIE"

I smirked and sang one last time allowing darkness to devour me whole " This will be the day we've waited for
This will be the day we open up the door
I don't wanna hear your absolution;
Hope you're ready for a revolution
Welcome to a world of new solutions
Welcome to a world of bloody evolution
In time, your heart will open minds
A story will be told
And victory is in a simple soul"

Everything was pitch black, I smiled softly and sighed quietly. (Y/N)...I have faith in you...protect Goldie please!

I smiled thinking I was finally going to eternal sleep. But I woke up in...a room? I looked around and shook my head " I?"

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