Want to spar?

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James' POV

I woke up a while later, just after dawn. Peggy was still sleeping, so I eased myself out from next to her, covering her up so she wouldn't get cold. I pulled on my shorts and walked out of the bedroom. Jace was just starting to wake up, so I thought I would give him a taste of his own medicine. I stood over him for a minute or two before he woke with a start, his eyes focusing on me.


"James! I wasn't expecting you."

"I noticed. It was kind of fun, though."

"Sarah still sleeping?" I thought about that for a moment, remembering that she wasn't Peggy, she was Sarah.


"She must have been pretty tired to sleep in. I'm going to start breakfast, then. Do you like coffee?" He threw back the blanket and stood up, stretching.

I thought about that. "Yes, I think I do."

He turned to me with a smile. "Good, because if you didn't, I wouldn't think you were really a Barnes."

I followed him into the kitchen. "I don't know anything about being one, Jace. I know I had a life before Hydra, I just don't remember any of it."

"I can tell you what I know, if you'd like."

I nodded, sitting down at the table while he moved around in the kitchen, getting out pans and bowls, opening the fridge. He talked while he puttered with a device on the counter and I smelled coffee shortly after that. He poured us both mugs and handed me one while telling me things about myself that I had to have known at one time.

A while later, Sarah came padding into the kitchen, smiling at me as she walked past to get a mug from the cupboard and pour a cup of coffee.

"Morning. Sorry I overslept." She came over to Jace and rested her head on his arm.

"Hey Sarah. It's fine," he said, smiling. "We didn't make any plans for this morning yet anyways." He gestured with the spatula for her to go sit down, so she took her mug and came over to the table, taking the chair opposite of me, both hands around her mug. She was beautiful in the early morning light, hair falling loosely down her back, semi curly and tousled. A small round red mark on her arm was the only proof of the gunshot wound I had given her a little more than a day ago.

"Want to spar after breakfast, Jace?" Sarah asked after a moment. I looked at her curiously; I was sure this was going to be interesting.

"Sure," Jace said cheerily. "I could use some practice with my fencing. I don't do a lot of that at the moment."

"All right. Swords first, then staves?" 

"If you insist," he shrugged. "I'm still not very good at staves. Knives tomorrow?"

"Of course. How's your throwing coming along?" she asked as she took a sip of her coffee.

"I'm getting better. Clint showed me a few tricks the last time I was here that helped. Is he going to be stopping by?"

"Not unless we call him. He's in town, though."

"Great. I might have to give him a call, then. He's always gone when I get here."

"It's called a job, and we've been really busy," Sarah said with a tinge of sass, making me smile. "I'm off until Steve gets back unless they really need me for something. I have to do some work from home, though."

"Who are Clint and Steve?" I asked, wondering who they were talking about.

Sarah and Jace looked at me with varying shades of dismay, and I looked at them in confusion.

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