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Sarah's POV

"Umm, not seeing anything on the blueprints, maybe a hidden door of some kind?" I told Clint.

I hit the deck as bullets came through the window in front of me, taking out the windows and hitting the monitors, blowing them to smithereens. I turned away from the flying glass, shielding my face. I stood up once the debris settled, returning fire to the east tower. It didn't look like I got any of them but they were at the far end of the range for my pistol. I crouched again as return fire came my way.

"Damn it, they just took out the computers!" I griped. "My eyes are gone so cover your tails, guys. East tower hit them; I'm on my way out to clear it."

"Negative, Evans," Tony said. "I don't want you anywhere near it in case they blow it. I think my repulsors might set it off, so I'm steering clear for the moment. I'm low on ammo, I hadn't fully reloaded this suit before I grabbed it last night."

"Who said anything about getting near it," I griped, as I went out in the hallway and pulled a rifle off one of the unconscious soldiers to use.

I leaned out, sighting my target - then jumping back when more bullets came my way. I ran out of the control room, trying to find a better place to take a shot from. I squeezed off a couple rounds before they noticed my position change. Crawling under the windows, I changed position again, taking a couple more shots before they shot back, just missing me by inches. Either they were really bad shots or they were toying with me, I wasn't sure which yet.

"West tower clear," Clint said. "Evans, you've got company heading your way."

I looked around quickly, sniping at the hostiles heading for my building. "Thanks, Barton. Mikey, where you at?"

"Working back down to you. Top floor clear."

"I've got eyes on the east tower," Jake said. "My building is cleared now."

"Clear the nest if you can. They've got me pinned down and I can't get a good shot from this angle," I said as more bullets shattered the rest of the window, passing through the walls as well. They had changed to armor piercing rounds if they were doing that. "Mikey, get your crew out of here – those rounds are going straight through the walls now! I'll meet you on ground floor."

I fired off a couple more rounds at the tower as I backed away from the walls and to the hallway, sprinting down the stairs as the walls disintegrated behind me, tripping over a body and falling down the last couple stairs.

"Shit, Evans, they got a serious hard on for you." Mikey said, catching me as I crashed into him and set me back on my feet.

"I'm kind of seeing that. Why didn't they take a shot at you when you were right above me?"

"I don't know, but I'm not liking it; you better stay behind me and Donny. I ain't letting you lead right now."

I nodded, agreeing with him for once. I peeked out the door to be met with a hail of bullets, pulling my head back quickly.

"Jake, Clint, how are you coming?" I asked, not having heard any chatter from them for a while.

"Couple down, two to go," Jake said. "I need to change position to get them – that tower must have some kind of shielding on it."

"Tony, can you confirm that?"

"Give me a minute, I was doing some surveillance, but I'm working my way back to you. We've got company on the road heading our way, six trucks fully loaded. Not sure if they're friendly or hostile."

"Barton, check in -" silence greeted me and I met Mike's eyes. "Mikey, Donny, go out the other side and find Clint. I'm going to keep the tower guards occupied."

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