I need you

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Steve's POV

I wondered how Bucky was getting along with Bruce and the young scientists Coulson brought with him. I knew from working with them earlier that they could be a lot to take in right away. They were all nice, just not what I was used to – or Bucky, for that matter. I tried to focus on what Rumlow was saying, but I was finding it harder than usual to keep my mind on work today for some reason.

I kept my phone out in front of me, hoping that it wouldn't be chirping at me because that would mean that Bucky wasn't okay. Enough time had passed now that I thought he was doing okay and started to relax, speaking up to give the team my read of the situation. The meeting was almost over when my phone buzzed, making me pick it up and read the message from Sarah.

Bucky needs you. Bruce's lab

On my way.

I stood up quickly, "Excuse me, gentlemen, but something urgent has come up. We'll continue this tomorrow." I didn't wait for their response, heading for Bruce's lab as quickly as I could without calling undue attention to myself.

I swiped into the lab, seeing Bucky standing by Bruce's desk, his stiff posture telling me that he was uncomfortable. Skye was standing in front of him with Fitz and Simmons over by the holo-scanner, inspecting what I assumed was a scan of Bucky. Bucky thankfully didn't look like he was losing control, so I stayed back for a moment, just listening to their conversation to see how he was doing.

"It's not pretty, how they attached it to me," Bucky said to Skye, his human hand covering his cybernetic one, shielding it from her eyes. She wasn't fazed by him, coming closer and touching his hand with hers.

"Dude, you're like 95 years old, look like you're 25 and have a metal arm," Skye replied. "None of that matters to me; my other friend is part cyborg now and I'd say he looks a lot worse than you."

"All right, but don't say I didn't warn you," Bucky said, giving in to her prodding.

"Roger that, Barnes," she said, and I could hear the smirk in her voice.

Bucky stood back up and pulled his shirt off, watching her reaction. It didn't look like Skye was bothered by seeing him this way, but Bucky didn't like being the center of attention – not like he used to when we were younger. Too many years of being an assassin had changed him.

Fitz and Simmons were speaking quietly to themselves as they moved around him, but I didn't understand half of the words they were using. Bruce had seen Bucky's arm before at Tony's, so he stood back far enough that they could get a closer look but close enough to move them if Bucky didn't like what they were doing.

"Are they still speaking English?" Bucky asked, raising an eyebrow, his breathing perceptibly getting shallower and faster, making my decision for me.

I moved forward; he was starting to panic, and I didn't want him to get any more upset because then it would take a lot longer to calm him down. Skye didn't know that he was so close to losing it, because she kept talking like nothing was happening.

"Yeah, they get like this when they get excited about something," She snorted a laugh and gestured at the duo. "I don't understand a fraction of what they're saying, either. Not gunna lie, though – your arm's pretty cool, James."

 "Thanks," Bucky said distractedly, his expression brightening when he saw me moving towards him. "Hey Steve, you made it."

Relief colored his voice as I came to a stop right in front of him, close enough for him to touch me if he needed to, but as always, letting him make the choice. My eyes attempted to search his in concern, but he was avoiding meeting my eyes, reaching for me instead. I moved closer to him, opening my arms to him.

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