"Ma? Would you mind to take care of them while I went out?" tanya Aurora seraya menyiapkan makan siang untuk sikembar,
Darla yang sedang sibuk memasak menyeritkan dahinya heran,
"Where are you going?" tanya Darla. Aurora segera menatap Ibunya dengan penuh harap,
"Dinner?" ucap Aurora ragu masih dengan sorot mata lemahnya. Darla berdecak sebal,
"You're lying aren't you? Nicholas told me you've been out looking for job this whole time." ucap Darla yang sekarang sudah berbalik badan menatap Aurora tajam. Aurora menghela nafasnya panjang lalu mengumpat dalam hati,
Persetan dengan Nicholas!
"I do Ma, but this time I'm telling you the truth!" mohon Aurora, Darla berdecak sebal lalu mengecilkan api di kompornya,
"Darling please, you don't have to find a job. It's already our decision to take care of the three of you. Besides your brother already have a job for you and your children," saran Darla seraya menggengam tangan putrinya. Aurora terharu mengingat semua yang telah dikorbankan keluarga nya hanya untuk dia dan kedua anak kembarnya,
"They're my responsibility Ma. I wanna be like you and Da. You guys survive to take care of me and Nicholas all by yourselves without any help from your parents. And Nicholas is my younger brother. I'm the one who suppose to take care of him." jelas Aurora. Darla tersenyum bangga lalu mengecup tangan anaknya,
"This is why I believe you've made a wise decision. It is different in this case. I was with your Da when we raised you guys. If Tristan know about this he surely gonna do the same like your Da. But the problem is, you never told him the truth. You way too afraid to got rejection, and I really understand that. That is why I still wanna protect and take care of you guys. And don't really think about your brother. He love you way too much. We love you way too much, you're the only sister that he had." jelas Darla, Aurora tersenyum mengangguk lalu segera memeluk Darla erat. Membiarkan kristal-kristal yang sedari tadi melapisi matanya pecah begitu saja dipelukan sang Ibu,
"I love you Ma, I really do." gumam Aurora disela-sela isakan tangisnya. Darla mengangguk tersenyum dengan beberapa butiran kristal bening yang mengalir dari bola matanya,
"There's no logical reason to hate you, love." balas Darla, Aurora terkekeh lalu segera melepaskan pelukannya untuk menghapus air matanya,
"But seriously Ma, I got dinner plan tonight," ucap Aurora disela-sela kekehannya. Mata Darla menajam lalu meneliti wajah Aurora,
"Only if you proof me that." ancam Darla, Aurora tersenyum mengangguk,
"Don't you worry Ma, I've plan everything!" jawab Aurora senang, Darla menggeleng-gelengkan kepalanya heran lalu kembali ke pekerjaannya,
"Nicho can you get the door?" teriak Darla yang sedang memisahkan baju kotor milik Nathanael dan Nebula,
"I'm with Nathanael and Nebula Ma, Au! Get the door please!" teriak Nicholas malas. Tapi laki-laki itu memang berkata benar. Nathanael dan Nebula sedang berada dipangkuannya seraya menonton kartun Peppa Pig kesukaan mereka,
"I can't! I'm naked!" teriak Aurora geram. Gadis itu memang baru keluar dari kamar mandi karena dia harus membersihkan badannya karena ada janji makan malam dengan James,
Darla mendengus kesal lalu segera berjalan kearah pintu. Ketukan dari orang tersebut terdengar santai. Tidak sama sekali terdengar kesal, mengingat pintu tersebut tidak kunjung dibukakan,
Rockabye [T.E]
FanfictionLife must go on right? With or without him I mean I'm okay with that, but how about our baby? My baby? Is she/he will be okay if they know their dad didn't wanted them? Shall I abortion this innocent creature? Hell no! This is my fault! and I have...