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Michael turned the volume up on his phone when someone sat next to him.

He wasn't a fan of public transport but it got him from place A to place B. Since at the moment place B was work he didn't mind the ride.

Michael missed the countryside, he missed the green sight, the animals, and blue skies. He missed quiet mornings when bird singing would drag him out of the warm bed.

Almost six months had passed since he moved to the city to study and he still woke up every day missing his home.

He didn't hate the city per say. Michael studied music which was a dream of his, as was being a vet but that dream died together with his not so inspiring grades.

Unfortunately, he couldn't take an exam on his amazing animal handling skills, so what he did instead was apply and show off his music making and producing skills.

Another reason the city didn't suck that much was his work, point B.

The black haired boy maybe couldn't show off how good he was with the animals to the university committee but his skills didn't go unnoticed. His love for animals brought him to the nearby pet care shop often enough for the store owner to notice him.

What he'll never admit out loud is the fact that when the job was offered he cried on the phone to his mum about it.

With a perfect job and perfect career choice he soon realized there was nothing to complain about.

As his stop was coming closer he kindly asked the stranger next to him to stand up.

Michael smiled to himself as he arrived at his destination on time. Six months living here he still found it hard to calculate how long it'd take him to reach places. He turned up to class ten minutes late or to work half an hour early.

Working the morning shift at the mall had ups and downs. The store was small and most of the people would come later and with that Michael's responsibilities in the morning varied from cleaning the cages to making sure they were stocked up.

He worked here for over two months and only managed to make his own schedule and system a few days prior.

After unlocking the store he first turned the electricity on. He took a quick walk around all the terrariums and aquariums to make sure everything was okay before doing the boring stuff.

Counting the money, signing into the system, and other stuff that bored him endlessly.

It was an hour into his shift when the first customer of the day arrived.

Unfortunately for Michael that happened to be the moment when he was reaching into the bunny terrarium getting them some fresh food.

A loud bark scared him and resulted in him bumping his head on the glass edge.

"Fuck." He cursed quietly.

The sound not only scarred him but the animals as well so he barely managed to catch Lottie the bunny from jumping out of her little home.

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