8 > blinda

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GO AND READ MY STORY BEHIND THE BARS. (Michael wants to fuck Luke with a plot twist)


As much as Michael hated the hospital he didn't mind Luke being around all the time.

It sucked really, there was a hole in his body that wasn't supposed to be there. It hurt and he'll have a scar, Michael had to see the doctor every few hours and the food was horrible. He was away from both his job and university, the only good things he had in the city.

Besides Luke.

Luke quickly became a little star of his life. Not really a star, he was more like the sun and Michael was the moon. Luke would shine on Michael and Michael would radiate the happiness the blind boy brought to his life back at him.

Michael was no poet but Luke made him feel something. Something special.

The black-haired boy wasn't one to presume other people's feelings but luckily he didn't have to with Luke. He knew Luke liked him. Michael heard him say that over his phone to his friend Ashton when he thought Michael went to grab something to eat.

Luke said he actually thought Michael was an angel and it made Michael feel all giddy inside. Luke made him feel like he was a teenager with a crush again.

This time it was different.

They were both grown up and even though Luke lived with a disability he was still a human with valid feelings.

Luke was absolutely everything Michael was looking for in a significant other.

Fun, fun and fun. Beautiful too.

His daily visits would consist of him showing Michael the pictures of his cat and dog that his family members took. He'd commentate the videos with 'he'll meow now because he wants food' and 'Sky breaths really loudly'.

It was breathtaking how he still managed to live his life to the fullest even when not be able to see his life.

Michael had a tough time trying to walk because he was afraid his legs weren't working. He refused to give up knowing that Luke never gave up.

"I went to pick up Sky yesterday and there was one legally blind girl that used to go to the support group with me," Luke explained with excitement.

"Wait, wait." Michael stopped him. "What does legally blind mean? Aren't you legally blind? How can you not be legally blind?"

Luke loved when Michael asked him questions so he smiled widely.

"Well you're not legally blind are you?" The blind boy smirked.

"You're the worst."

Laughing Luke explained. "There are some written rules that determine what percentage of your vision is still enough to live decently with it. I'm totally blind so I never got to deal with that stuff. She can see everything really blurry and foggy apparently but I have no idea what either would look like."

"Okay. But how do you imagine what people look like?"

"I don't. It's hard to explain but it is what it is. Maybe it's better that way, my mum always told me that if I ever fall in love will be for the personality."

Luke blushed a bit when he said that and it made Michael smile.

"What about the support group?"

"Oh. Well, I was an angry teenager. Blamed everyone for being blind. I was a pain in the ass but the group helped a bit. I'm fine now." Luke stated proudly.

"I'm proud of you. And you don't always have to be fine you know?"

"I do. But back to my point. Stella told me she and her boyfriend always play this game Heads up. A guessing game and she only guesses. I thought we could try it out."

Michael smiled. "I'd love to."

It turned out that Michael was horrible at explaining things. They did have a lot of fun.


Luke asked after he had to call his mum to pick him up.

"Yeah, sunshine?"

"Would it be really selfish of me if I'd say I really want to kiss you?"

It knocked Michael's breath away. His eyes moved across Luke's face trying to guess what was on Luke's mind.

"No." He said after a while. "But it would be selfish if I wouldn't tell you something I know for the past few days."

Luke frowned. "What?"

"I'm leaving."

"What do you mean you're leaving?"

Michael grabbed Luke's hand in his, trying to make himself feel better.

"The doctor says I'll need at least three months to recover so I'll go home. They allowed me to do my courses from home since these are special circumstances."

"I'll miss you," Luke whispered and sniffled.

"Shh. Don't cry, I'll be back." Michael hugged Luke how Luke normally hugged him. The wound hurt but at that moment it didn't matter.

"Could I visit you?"

"Of course. I actually wanted to ask you that a while ago."

"I'll come. I and Sky will walk there if we'll have to."

Michael smiled. The bright side of the mall robbery was that Luke started to trust Sky more.

"I'll meet you halfway," Michael promised.

"Can I kiss you now?"

Before Luke could say more Michael pressed his plump lips against Luke's, taking him by surprise.

Michael closed his eyes because he could still feel even if he wasn't able to see.



cute muke?

Michael leaving?

Their lips touching?

Love, Lucija♡

Little lion man ♡ mukeWhere stories live. Discover now