kim dongyoung

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kim dongyoung wasn't feeling that great ever since y/n went into a coma, but he tried to put on a smile because he knew she liked his smile.

he was was currently helping out in his aunt's restaurant, where you first spoke to him. he often visited here since you usually came here when you weren't working or at the library.

"doyoung! your phone is ringing, go pick it up!" he heard his aunt call from the kitchen.

doyoung walked upstairs, and searched for his phone which was in the pockets of his sweater.

he answered jisung, who spoke loudly on the other end.

"hyung, get to the hospital right now! she said something!"

digesting the boy's word, doyoung's eyed widened as a sense of hope filled his heart.

he smiled, putting on his sweater and heading downstairs.

"auntie, i'm going to the hospital real quick!" he informed, putting his shoes on and running off. the restaurant was quite far from the hospital so he took his brother's car without asking.

"sorry hyung but i gotta be the first one there."
doyoung drove past traffic lights, and stole other people's lane, often getting honks from angry drivers but they were music to his ears.

after arriving at the hospital, he told the nurse where he was going before sprinting to the elevator that was just about to close.

he made it just in time, and didn't have to use the stairs. once he found your room number, doyoung knocked on it lightly.

the door was opened by y/n's grandma who dragged the tall male in.

"how is she?" doyoung inquired, seeing as jisung made such a big deal about it over the phone.

"she's been calling your name repeatedly. i think only you can bring her back." jisung told him, which made him blush because you called his name and not someone else's.

he slowly walked over to where you were lying, feeling his body tremble. this was the same scene he saw when he saved you.

he hadn't seen you since middle school because you never told him what school you applied to so he thought you were a look alike. it was only when you came to did he ask the girl's name.

the doctor told him her name was park y/n, and in that moment, doyoung found it hard you would try and end your life. although you didn't talk or socialize with anyone but him, he didn't imagine you had this side to you.

he was flabbergasted, stunned, shocked, all the words that described how dumbfounded he was when he found out you would have died if he was even a minute late. at first, he was going to go inside and talk some sense into you about treating yourself as if you were worthless but the doctor stopped him. he was told the patient needed to rest before seeing anyone.

he should have resisted, because the next day you weren't there anymore. he didn't know where you lived or that you stopped going to his aunt's restaurant because you had a job now. y/n also became more busy taking care of jisung and her grandma.

he regretted a lot that night and didn't dare to talk about the incident once he saw you again.

today was different though.

he wanted to tell you all the secrets he hid from you. the fact that he fell for you, dreamed of you every night and how he happy he was to know you kept a picture of him in your room.

"y/n, don't do this to me...." he began to cry while you kept calling his name over and over.

"how long are you going to keep holding everything in? you have me and the others who love you for you. who cares if you fell in love with your brother? it wasn't your fault your parents passed away. think, if jungyeon was here, how would she feel seeing you like this?"
although he never knew jungyeon, doyoung knew if y/n loved her then jungyeon wouldn't want to see her in this state.

"i beg you, come back to me. i promise to not lose contact and always call you. i don't care what others think of you because i see the good in you." he expressed everything he had been holding in. although he hated crying, you were worthy of his tears.

"i'm sorry......" he heard a faint apology and opened his eyes even more from the sound of your voice.


jisung walked in front of doyoung, hugging you tightly. he was over thrilled that you somehow managed to wake up. he had never been so thankful in his life, as you hugged him back, while smiling gently at doyoung.

doyoung's body froze, as if he saw a ghost but after jisung released the hug, he knew he wasn't seeing things.

you were awake and no longer in a coma.

"how?" he asked, still in the same spot.

jisung turned to look at him, then back at his sister.

"that's right, how were you able to wake up?" even your grandma wanted to know. after being unconscious for over a week, she didn't think you'd get up so easily.

"i don't know.... i feel like i've faced my darkest fears, that's how i was able to come back. it was like i was in limbo." she described how she felt while in the coma. she relived all the memories, good and bad. in the end, the good memories were more than the bad ones, making her see the good in her life once again.

"we all go through hard times, but we shouldn't let that prevent us from living a happy life." doyoung beamed, approaching closer.

seeing where things were going, jisung and g/n excused themselves, allowing the two to be alone.

"can we create a new beginning? one where you and i are together?" doyoung picked up her soft hands, bringing them to his cheeks.

"i never imagined the day would come where i say this, but i have never liked, no, loved someone as much as i love you." he closed his eyes, the smile never leaving his face.

y/n looked up at the male, a warmth throughout her body. she had locked her emotions for so long, she failed to see how much he cared for her all these years. he was her first friend after she shut herself away from the world after parent's death.

"i don't know how you did this, but you stole my heart without me knowing." she spoke in a cheesy manner, but he opened his eyes, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

y/n closed her eyes, feeling his soft lips kiss her eyes, nose, and lips. she kissed him back, never wanting to let him part ways with her.

End: Kim Dongyoung

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