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after everyone explained their reasons for crushing on y/n, the males came to a final agreement.

"no matter who she ends up liking, be it one of us or someone else, we have to accept her own decision. based on the fact that we like her, we should respect her life choices." jaehyun declared, looking at the others.

"we agree." ten nodded, smiling at yuta and winwin who gave a nod as well.

"alright, because i'm such a great friend." doyoung smiled, looking up at the sky.

"i just hope she can forgive me for leaving her." mark sighed, because he never stopped liking you even when he moved back to canada.
of course, he wanted you to be happy so he was ready to accept whoever you chose.

"noona is so nice, if her future boyfriend ever hurts her, i'll beat him up!" haechan proclaimed, forming a fist when he thought of her pained face.

"not if he's bigger and taller than you." doyoung noted, standing up to show off his tall height.

haechan glared at him playfully before rolling his eyes sassily.

"i'm going to visit her later today." taeyong stated happily. for the first time, he had never cared about anyone as much as his family and best friend.

"i'm going too." jaehyun joined in as he planned on cleaning her body. of course he kept that part out since he didn't want to seem like a pervert. he already asked g/n's permission which she agreed to.

"i want to visit her too." winwin expressed with a small pout that made the others soft. he looked so cute so how could they refuse him?

"i mean, we can all go but doesn't it seem like too many people?" jaehyun reasoned as he didn't want to disturb hospital patients.

"we'll go in groups of three and take turns, how about that?" mark suggested since there were nine of them.

"alright then, i'll go with yuta and winwin." ten picked the people he wanted to go with who agreed too since they had all been in the same classes with y/n.

"i can go with anyone." doyoung stated since he really didn't care who he went with as long as he saw y/n.

"come with us." jaehyun smiled at the male, showing his dimples that would make anyone jealous.

"then, i'll go with taeil and mark hyungs." haechan figured since he was closer to those two than the others after all.

later that day, jaehyun, taeyong, and doyoung were the first visitors. seeing y/n still hadn't woken up, they asked the doctor what they could do to help her wake up.

the doctor told them there was nothing that other people could do since the patient was trying to cope with all the unwanted memories she hid away.

"sometimes, it takes years for the patient to finally accept what has happened in their life."
the doctor explained, which worried the males even more.

"however, i suggest that frequent visits from people who she cares about can help. this gives them a sense of comfort, which can strengthen her subconscious mind."

taeyong sat down on the chairs beside the bed. he admired your face which had started to show emotions but now, it was lifeless.

"y/n, please wake up." he begged, holding your hand. doyoung was changing the flowers in the vase while jaehyun was looking up more information about your condition.

he refused to believe you wouldn't be able to overcome your past memories.

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