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Lauren | Hospital

Camila came out the store at the wrong moment. That bullet was meant for someone else. Not Camila.

I went back to the hideout with my idiotic partner who shot the wrong girl.

Lucas: I swear I didn't mean t-

Me: Shut up Lucas or Im giving you one of my bullets. Im not getting paid because of this shit. Not to mention that fact you shot an innocent girl!

Lucas sighed and put his head down.

Me: If she dont make it, good luck carrying the death of an innocent girl on your shoulders.

Part of me was mad because he didnt follow directions and the other part of me was mad that Camila got the bullet. Sure she's a bitch but not a big enough bitch to get shot.

We walked into bosses office and I shoved Lucas in first.

Boss: Ooh. She's shoving. What went wrong.

Me: This idiot didnt follow my directions. He shot the wrong fucking girl!

I thumped Lucas's forehead.

Boss: Lucas what happened.

Lucas: The target was coming out the door. I had my finger on the trigger. The door opened and I didnt even wait to see if it was the target. I just fired. I shot an innocent girl. What if she dies? I cant live with-

Boss shot Lucas dead in the forehead.

Boss: He didnt follow direction and he began to get too whiny.

Me: He talks too damn much too. Of everyone, why the one who talks so much?

He cracked a smile.

Boss: Just to annoy you.

Me: Pfft. You do that alot.

He shook his head before getting serious again.

Boss: This target is going to have to be tracked down again. She probably knows that we're onto her now. It took us 6 months to track her down all for this idiot to blow us. We only caught her because she slipped up, now its going to be even harder to find her.

Me: True. Anything I can do?

Boss: Find the girl. The innocent one, see if she's still alive.

Me: Alright.

I walked out of his office as the "cleaning' men came and cleaned. I went to the bathroom and washed Camila's blood off of my hands. I dried them and got in my car. I drove to the only hospital they could've brought her to; Williams Hospital. It was the closest one.

I parked and went inside. It was really crowded but there was some peoole here and there. I went up to the cubicle and sat in the chair.

Me: Camila Deckard's room. Now.

The lady looked up at me and fear crossed her face. She quickly typed something on the computer.

Lady: Room 206 A.

I got up and went to a cop.

Me: Nobody goes to room 206 A until I leave. Got it?

Cop: 10-4.

Me: Good.

I went to the elevator and got off on the second floor. I went to her room and saw her friend Kat and boyfriend, Asher.

Me: Both of you. Get out. Now.

Asher: And who the hell are you?

Me: Someone who'll blow your brains out and not think twice.

The Mafias' Bullet (Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now