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Lauren | 7:09 pm

Jonah won the tournament and was ecstatic to see me. He literally jumped on me. It was too adorable.

Anyways, here I am parked infront of Camila's house waiting for her to come out. Once she did she was in completely different clothes from earlier. She had on a plain white tight shirt that hugged her curves perfectly, denim ripped jeans and some vans. Her hair was in a bun.

Camila: Im ready.

Me: Why're you whispering?

Camila: My parents dont know Im gone.

I smirked as I grabbed her bucket list and crossed #8 off.

Me: This is seriously your first time sneaking out?

Camila: Not everyone can be a badass like you.

Me: Touché.

I got off my motorcycle and once she noticed I was on it her eyes widened.

Camila: You own a motorcycle!?

Me: Someone's excited.

Camila: Hell yeah. I always wanted to ride one.

Me: I've already crossed it off your bucket list.

I handed her a helmet and helped her put it on.

Me: Damn. Now who looks badass.

She laughed and sat on my motorcycle. I sat infront of her.

Me: Wrap your arms around me.

She did as told and I heard the purr of my engine. I loved that sound.

I drove off and towards the school.

Camila: Ew. Why here?

Me: Number 10.

Camila: Oh right.

She got excited as she hopped off the bike. I grabbed my book bag and opened it. I had six cans of paint, two bandanas, one hoodie, two crowbars and two guns in it. I handed her my hoodies.

Me: Put it on.

She did as said and I put a bandana on her, covering her nose and mouth. I then put the hood on and did the same for me.

Me: You wanna hold the bag?

Camila: Sure.

I got out the two crowbars and handed her one. We went up towards the school.

Me: They have alarms.

Camila: Wait what?

Me: But if you've broken in here as many times as I have, you have nothing to worry about.

I winked and smashed the glass on the door. The alarm instantly went off, I climbed through the door and went to the system. I yanked it off the wall and cut the wire to disable to alarm.

Me: C'mon in.

She decided to be extra and break the other door and step through it.

Me: I like extra.

We laughed and busted the rest of the doors. She opened the bag again and pulled out the cans of paint.

Me: Pick your colors.

She picked the pink, green and black. I had a black, red and blue.

Me: Leggo.

She took one side of the hall and I had another. I broke the lock off of every locker and went back to open them all. I emptied out the lockers and stopped at one that was Camila's boyfriend's locker. He had pictures of him and Camila. I threw the pictures of the ground, breaking the frames. I closed his locker and spray painted "dick" on his.

The Mafias' Bullet (Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now