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Kat |9:04 pm

Stacey was skipping school to fuck some guys, Camila was skipping with Lauren and I was here alone. I didnt know where Jackson was so I just talked to some of my acquaintances.

I was currently in third with three minutes until lunch. I was talking to Breanna, a girl on the cheer team.

Breanna: Ooh, what about blue? Like an ocean blue.

We were talking about prom dress colors. Prom was only three months away and already the talk of the school.

Me: It would totally go with your eyes.

The bell rang and we got up and began out walk to the cafeteria.

Breanna: Omg, like I totally thought the same.

I smiled and spotted Jackson leaning against a locker.

Me: I'll see you later, okay?

Breanna: Okay.

We spilt up and I walked towards Jackson.

Jackson and I arent dating but we've been talking on a friends level with a little flirting thrown it.

Ever since my backlashes incident, he's stuck by my side. I didn't expect him to do that but he did it and that really changed my view on him so I guess you can day we became friends.

I ran up and jumped on his back, making him chuckle.

Jackson: Your so extra.

Me: Your the one to talk.

We got looks as we spoke to each other but I could care less about what people think.

I jumped down and stood infront of him with my arms crossed and an eyebrow raised, making him chuckle.

Jackson: What?

Me: Where were you? I was so damn lonely. How dare you leave your bestfriend.

He grinned.

Jackson: I overslept.

Me: Omg like, how dare you oversleep when you like knew I was here. You are like so mean.

I flipped my straightened hair to add to the "stuck up" act. He laughed.

Jackson: Eh, I thought about you but then I thought about more sleep. You could wait.

I playfully gasped while punching his arm. He laughed as I pouted.

Jackson: Im sorry.

Me: Nope. Not good enough.

He pulled me into a hug and his hands slid down to my ass, he squeezed it.

Me: Almost.

He chuckled and I yelped as I was so easily picked up. I began laughing as he walked towards the cafeteria.

Me: Put me down!

Jackson: Nah, you good.

He opened the door as I struggled and laughed in his grip. It went silent when made me know people were looking at us.

Note to self; ask jackson why it always gets silent when he and/or lauren walks in.

Me: Put me down now?

Jackson: In a minute.

I was plopped down in a seat. I shot him a glare before looking around. We were at the "deliquent" table.

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