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Jackson | Nurse's Office

I sat at the nurses's desk watching Kat sleep. Stacey went back to class and the nurse was examining her back.

Me: What's on her back?

Nurse: They look like slashes from something sharp. With all the oozing it's hard to tell.

Me: That's not by accident though right? That can't be.

Nurse: This is definitely not an accident.

Me: What about self inflicted?

Nurse: I dont think so. The marks are too careless. If Kat did them on her own they would've been somewhat neat.

Me: So somebody did this.

Nurse: I believe so.

She wiped her hands and turned towards me.

Nurse: I need to call the ambulance. Can you continue to wipe her back? Gently.

Me: Yeah.

We switched places and I gently wiped her back. Her back was so red. There was puss coming out of her wounds mixed with blood. I was disgusted but I felt bad for her. I know she's in pain.

Nurse: They'll be here soon. I have nothing to give her. All we can do is wipe the infrcted wounds until they get here.

Me: Okay.

I went to wash my hands and sat at the desk until the paramedics got here.

Once they got here I grabbed Kat's bookbag and jacket and walked out the nurses office. I turned back around to face her.

Me: Thanks. For taking care of her.

She smiled.

Nurse: Its my job.

I nodded and went off to the teachers class where Kat's grade went down. I opened the door and walked in. I smirked as he looked at me with fear.

Me: Hey Mr. Goodwin.

Mr. Goodwin: What do you want?

Me: I wont hurt you, if you change Kat's grade back to whatever it was.

Mr. Goodwin: I cant do that.

Me: Yes you can.

I pulled out my knife and put it to his throat.

Me: And you will or I will slit your throat.

He only looked at me so I began slicing slowly.

Me: Change it. Now.

He quickly went into powerschool and exempted Kat from the assignment I fucked up for her. Her grade went up to a 96.

Me: You could've did that before I got your blood on my knife.

I wiped his blood onto his white button up. I grabbed the bags and left, getting into my car. I sped off and went home. I pulled up beside the Jeep my sister and I shared. I noticed her personal car was gone.

In total there were three cars at our house and two motorcycles. My personal Mustang, her personal Jaguar, the shared Jeep, her customized motorcycle and my customized motorcycle.

I got out and went inside the house after closing the garage door. I ran my fingers through my hair while walking into the kitchen. I made a sandwich then plopped down onto the couch in boredom.

Camila | Hospital

I got out today. I've finally been discharged and now I was just waiting for my mom to come pick me up. The door opened and my mother stepped in.

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