Chapter Seventeen: Come To

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I woke up in the same room as I had been in when Doctor Ayve had initially knocked me out. There wasn't an IV in my hand anymore but I was still on the gurney and I felt awful.

"Don't sit up." Someone said right as I was about to attempt to. "You'll vomit."

"You didn't tell me this would make me ill." I muttered.

"I didn't know." I recognized the voice as Doctor Ayve's. "They had to give you a sedative in the middle of one of the procedures."

"I thought they were medically inducing a coma."

"They did. Something went wrong."

Somehow, suspiciousness pushed through the waves of headache pain to the forefront of my thoughts. Against Doctor Ayve's orders, I pushed myself into a sitting position. Almost immediately after doing so, nausea overtook both the headache and my suspicions and I released the contents of my stomach onto the floor next to the gurney.

"Told you." Doctor Ayve said. Someone who looked like a Nurse came in with a spray bottle and a towel and cleaned up my vomit.

"What went wrong and why couldn't they give me something that wouldn't make me feel like I'm dying?" I asked, using a thin blanket that someone must have covered me with to wipe bile off my mouth. Someone else came it with two cups of water, one with ice and one without. I took them gratefully.

"You should drink the room temperature one first." Doctor Ayve advised me as I tried to raise the cool cup of water to my lips. "You're dehydrated, the room temperature one will hydrate you faster." Grimacing, I did as she said. "I'm not at liberty to say what went wrong, but they used the sedative that would put you under the fastest."

"What the heck do you mean you're not at liberty to tell me what went wrong? It's my body, don't I get a say in what happens to me?" I said, voice trembling from the nausea that was still rolling over me.

"I just can't tell you. You're fine now, that's what matters."

Anger and suspicion weren't helping me feel any better and I honestly just wanted to go back to sleep. I took another sip of water while Doctor Ayve continued to look at me pityingly.

"Nurse Allison is waiting to take you back to your Camp. We're going to take you to where your clothes and wheelchair are on the gurney; you're probably not strong enough to walk there on your own and we're not allowed to let you after the sedative they gave you."

I narrowed my eyes at her, letting her know I was suspicious but she just shrugged at me then got behind my gurney and started pushing me out. I wasn't sure, but it seemed like we exited a different room than I had been put in even though the interior had been identical. But I very quickly became disoriented and motion sick and ended up leaning over the side of the gurney and vomiting again. Doctor Ayve stopped, then walked around the side of the gurney I hadn't thrown up on and entered another room. When she returned, she had two other people with her. One of them cleaned up my second mess and the other held a needle.

"Um, excuse me, what the heck is that?" I said, trying to get away from her as she drew closer to me.

"They're anti-motion sickness, anti-nausea meds. They work really quickly when injected." The woman with the needle said.

"Just let her inject you so we can get you back to your Camp." Doctor Ayve said as I continued resisting. "They're make you feel better."

Realizing I didn't have a choice and wanting to feel better, I let the woman with the needle inject me with the anti-nausea medicine and immediately started feeling better. "I guess you weren't lying." I said.

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