Chapter Nineteen: Gay and Suspicious

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Iggy and the others arrived about a half hour after Iggy had initially left and it appeared that Iggy had filled them in on what I had found out and once they started pitching ideas it was apparent that they didn't have any idea what it was about either. We decided to put it behind us for now and go get dinner. On the walk there, Lacy suggested we get our food and try to find the building for the GSA club as the map we'd be given was more than confusing. We managed to get through the line super quickly because people rarely arrived to dinner as early as we did and we began to follow the convoluted map with Aiden leading us. They had the best sense of direction and even then we were mostly just lost. Eventually, sweating and aggravated, we stumbled across a faint path that Aiden said could possibly be where the map was leading us. The path was somewhat overgrown and looked more like a deer trail than something human made, but sure enough at the end of the trail was a small clearing with a cabin covered in ivy that was set quite far apart from the rest of camp.

We managed to peel enough ivy away from the door to enter the cabin and it wasn't as run down on the inside as it appeared on the outside.

"This is pretty strange. I heard most of the other clubs are held in a clearing near the fire pit." Izzy said. The fire pit was on the opposite end of the camp.

"They're trying to keep the queer kids away from the straight folk." Moxy joked.

There was a long table in the middle of the cabin with ten chairs around it and looking at my watch I noticed there was still quite awhile until whoever was running the club would be here. I sat down and the table and opened my weird container of food. I couldn't remember what the Nurse I asked about it told me it was called, but the container was basically styrofoam that was very easily biodegradable and if you poured a specific environmentally friendly liquid on it, it would biodegrade extremely quickly and was actually pretty good for the soil in a Jurisdiction across the sea.

Moxy sat down beside me and we had the same meal. She had convinced me to go "vegan" even though one of the people who served us the food was pretty sure that none of it actually came from a slaughtered animal. Moxy had said she wouldn't believe that until the cook came out and told her for sure.

Eventually everyone sat down and we were all pretty quiet while eating. There was some half-hearted small talk but I could tell that most of us were busy trying to figure out what the heck was going on. It appeared that some of the Nurses knew what was going on but others were just as clueless as us. I wondered if there was some sort of hierarchy of Nurses and those higher up were able to know all of the camp's secrets. Then I wondered if Nurse Allison knew about what was going on and wasn't telling us. She didn't appear to know what was going on but she also didn't seem as surprised as some of the other Nurses.

I was still deep in thought when the door to the cabin opened. "Is this the GSA?"

"For the moment." Aiden said. I looked up and the woman that had walked in seemed confused but came and sat at the table anyway.

"It looks like we're still missing someone." The woman said, and I figured she was a Nurse. I looked around and all of my usual group was here. We sat in a slightly uncomfortable silence for awhile, apparently waiting for an unknown person to come traipsing in.

"I guess she's not coming, so we'll go ahead and start. I'm Nurse Lydia, and I'm the one assigned to this club. We usually have two Nurses assigned each, but there was a larger club that needed an extra hand and you guys were the smallest club we had that could afford to lose one person, apologies about that." I didn't particularly care that we were down one, but Nurse Lydia appeared to be upset about it and I briefly wondered if she just didn't want to be here. "Also, I'm supposed to apologize on behalf of the camp that your club cabin is set so far off, we have more clubs than ever this year and we didn't have the finances to build another cabin closer."

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